In today's fast-paced business world, switching jobs is more common than ever before. So, is the grass really greener on the other side? The most pressing doubt in this scenario relates to the timing of the switch. So when is the best time to take the plunge? The sheer ambiguity of this question means that there is no clear answer. But at the same time, there is some method to the madness. Here are some ways to clear the mind.
Personal, professional: Perhaps the most important and most often overlooked decision parameter is the personal aspect. How happy are you in your current job? It sounds cliched and idealistic, but when you find yourself dreading the very thought of going to work, maybe it is time to move on. Shifting jobs can be quite unsettling as there will be new people and responsibilities; perhaps a location shift as well. It is advisable to ensure that your shift does not coincide with any other major life event. You should be able to dedicate time and energy to the process of shifting, starting afresh and settling in.
External elements: In the event that the job you are looking to shift to is much more promising than your current job, the shift should be made as early as possible. While it is principally correct to stand by a sinking ship, it may not always be the best strategy in the corporate world. If you can see the warning signs of declining market share, competitive pressures, poor financial statements or bad leadership decisions, consider moving on. Don't forget to consider the prevailing economic condition as well. It is probably riskier to change jobs in a recessionary economic setting, unless of course you are moving towards an emerging sector. For those who will be joining at the bottom rung of the corporate ladder, remember that salary cuts and layoffs could strike you the hardest.
Chronic shifters: Chronic (and excessive) job-hopping can reflect badly on your record and portray you as someone who will not stick around for long. This will affect your employment chances in the long run. If you have recently switched jobs or have a history of shifting, perhaps it is best to stay put at a job for some time.
Decoding the dilemma: To shift or not to shift? There are a number of parameters that go into making the decision. Look at the personal aspect, the potential of your current job and organisation, the potential of the industry, the monetary aspect and your relationship with your boss and colleagues. Don't forget to evaluate how the shift will affect those close to you. Prioritise these factors and evaluate all your options. Your decision should come from your heart but it should be backed by research and deliberation. Read industry reports, speak to colleagues and seniors and evaluate the pros and cons of your current job. And once you are convinced, throw caution to the wind and take the plunge.
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