Best Hollywood Movies of 2014!!

Birdman (2014)
A washed up actor, who once played an iconic superhero, battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career and himself in the days leading up to the opening of a Broadway play. (119 mins.)
“ One thing that this film proves is that even at the age of sixty three, Michael Keaton can rule! This time he is poking fun at the his own career choice of playing a superhero with the fact that he has played Batman (Batman & Batman Returns) in the past makes his appearance all the more hilarious & ironic. The story follows Riggan (Michael Keaton), a washed up actor who used to play a superhero icon called Birdman. In a valiant attempt to reclaim his career, he adapts, directs, and stars in a Broadway play. With problems from one of his very method actors (Edward Norton), assistant daughter (Emma Stone), emotional co-star (Naomi Watts), overly sexual girlfriend (Andrea Riseborough), flamboyant producer (Zach Galifanakis), and loving ex- wife (Amy Ryan), Riggan prepares for the breaking point of his career well of course while dealing with his "inner voice" of the alter ego Birdman. This movie left me feeling as though every emotion I've ever experienced and every thought I've ever had were condensed in 2 hours of amazing cinema and then reflected back at me, defying me to stare them in the face, right there, where I sitting & saying wow! Every aspect of the film is masterfully crafted and executed & the brilliant cinematography only exemplifies this. The brilliant choice of always having the camera rolling lets the viewer see what happens before and after any given event. This added information creates a realism unknown to nearly every other movie ever made. What better way to capture the raw emotion and awkward stumbling of an angry outburst at your father than to show the immediate reaction of the ranter following her outburst; you get to see the anger slowly fade from her face as the reality of what she said sets in. Rarely does a film come around that manages to be creative, original, funny, well acted, spectacularly anchored, well written and technically profound. The film has an excellent cast ensemble - Michael Keaton, Zach Galifianakis, Emma Stone, Ed Norton, Amy Ryan, Naomi Watts, Andrea Riseborough, every single actor gets to shine in their moment of screen time provided & utilize its full potential. Michael Keaton has been criminally underutilized in his career, despite some iconic performances. While the nerd crowd (Like me!) worships him as one of the most ideal Bruce Wayne/Batman combo, his career hasn't been stellar and it's a surprise I even knew his name before I saw this film! But his performance in this film deserves all the attention he gets and all the awards he is being nominated for. Riggan is a complex character and you are never quite sure about him, how he feeling and how he feels towards others, not only because of how Riggan changes as the film goes on but also because of how that reflects the ever-changing nature of the film, moving from one question or theme to the other without actually leaving it behind, instead leaving it in the back of your mind for you to think about later. A scene-stealing standout, Edward Norton makes us realize how unspoken dialogue between characters can be just as humorous without the punchline. is brilliant (playing the self-obsessed, ego-driven actor who feels more real on the stage than off it, Mike Shiner). Emma Stone has finally arrived in 2014!! Criminally misused and passed over by Hollywood for "bigger name" actresses, Stone finally shows the world what they've been missing. In one single scene, Stone revolutionizes and captures the essence of a "father-daughter" with a ferocity that you couldn't see from any other performer. She finds the heart and soul of Sam, laying her on the screen meticulously and transparent. Zach Galifanakis (playing Riggan's agent, Jake) is probably his most grounded role, is also brilliant. Though brief in screen time, the vivacious Naomi Watts, the sexy Andrea Riseborough, and the seasoned Amy Ryan make their marks exquisitely. Watts gets the most chuckles out of the ladies while Ryan has the greatest arc for us to explore. The only criticism I have about the film is that more aren't like it. A smart, satirical movie that is capable of criticizing without being hypocritical is unfortunately rare. However, it's rather nice to have movies like this stand out from the crowd instead of being the norm, because the relative quality only makes them that much better. On the whole "Birdman" is so damn enjoyable and one of the most entertaining films I have seen in years. It charms not just because of its story, but because of the performances and slick way that director Alejandro González Iñárritu plays with tone. It's downright hilarious in parts, and then there's the dramatic edge that comes into play, and simply breaks your heart. Above all, "Birdman" is a celebration of cinema. It's an audacious achievement that floors just about every aspect of film witnessed in 2014. ” - saadforever890
The Imitation Game (2014)
During World War II, mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians. (114 mins.)
Director: Morten Tyldum
“ As the opening scene of the film is upon us, we hear Cumberbatch say "are you paying attention". Well, you should! This story of a great British Hero, mathematician, Logician, Wartime Codebreaker and father of Computer Science, the story of Alan Turing does deserve to be told. This film has turned out to be one of 2014's most pleasant surprise. It works both as a gripping wartime thriller and as a fascinating biography of Alan Turing, the mathematical genius behind the breaking of the Enigma code during WWII, played magnificently by Benedict Cumberbatch, this is the film that is sure to set him up as an A Lister. The story follows Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch), a mathematics professor in the early 1950's, who has experienced a burglary at his home. Yet, when the police come to investigate, & suspect Turing himself. What the charges might be will follow all too soon but, first, Turing tells a story of his life to one of the officers. During WW II, Turing was part of the code breaking team trying to crack the German's communication system, Enigma, which changed daily. Chosen for the job by a by-the-book Naval Commander (Charles Dance), Turing initially seemed to be anything but a team player. He's arrogant, odd, uncommunicative and insists on being in charge. This upsets those already on the job, including champion chess player Hugh Alexander (Matthew Goode). This is not the first time that Alan has had problems getting along. Flashing backwards, the film shows his childhood at an English boarding school, where he was scorned and bullied by all his fellow students save one, Christopher. The two became inseparable and excelled at all subjects, especially math. A tragedy changes everything, resulting in Turing's further isolation. Back in WW II times, Turing does become the leader of the group, invents an early computer to help with the calculations of the Enigma code and earns the respect of the other topflight mathematicians, including Joan (Keira Knightley) on the team. He even becomes engaged to Joan when her parents want to withdraw her from the group, believing she will never find a husband. It can't last, however, because Alan is gay and must admit this. The breakers DO conquer Enigma and help win the war. But, at the time of his arrest, homosexuality is a against British law. Since his work was top secret, no one knows how much of a hero he was and is and, in any case, they convict him. What happens at the end is very, very sad yet his tale is truly inspirational. The greatest feat about the film is that it makes Turing a character you root for and pity. Turing was a very anti-social, slightly arrogant man, who did not know how to deal with people all that well and who struggled with his closeted homosexuality for his entire life (which was against the law at that time in Britain). This film tackles themes of prejudice against the feminine, against homosexuality and more generally against anyone who is different. How? By simply pointing out, using the example of Alan Turing and his colossal achievements, that it takes someone different to do something amazing. Armed with one of the most intelligent scripts of the year, Benedict Cumberbatch has managed to show the heartbreaking humanity inside of Turing. He was the man who for whatever circumstances, was able to understand the laws of logic, math, and strategy, in order to solve a riddle that would lead to saving many human lives and ending one of the worst catastrophes civilizations has endured. It looks like this role is a sure shot nomination for an Oscar. Keira Knightley, as the feisty and fiery Joan Clark, is as loose and comfortable as I've ever seen her. Her role may not be as meaty, lacking the highs and lows Cumberbatch has, but she makes the most of her relative sparing use, becoming the heart of the film. Thanks to her, their relationship is completely believable, given that Turing is a man who struggles with connecting to people, and the way she manages the choices her character is set upon is dealt with deft conviction. Charles Dance, Mark Strong and especially Matthew Goode are ravishing & get equal chance to shine in their moment. On the whole "The Imitation Game" is is extraordinary in almost all aspects. Masterfully told and encompassing an emotional complexity, director Morten Tyldum's film is both engrossing and disturbing. It's an impeccable thriller, taut and brilliant, exploring the horrors of war along with the choices that doom mankind for all eternity. ” - saadforever890
Whiplash (2014)
A promising young drummer enrolls at a cutthroat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an instructor who will stop at nothing to realize a student's potential. (107 mins.)
Director: Damien Chazelle
“ Films about music are usually the last on the list of films I ever feel like watching (Don't hate me for that), but something about the film's trailer caught my eye! I know nothing about drums or musical instruments as such, but always had just sincere admiration for people who dedicate their time to learn & play with such passion. Same goes for the type of music, for example in this movie, where Jazz is the theme, a very under rated & dying form of music. I have been following Milles Teller for quite some time now. Frankly I have become a fan of his peculiar comic timing in silly rom coms like An Awkward moment, Two Night Stand etc & in Divergent, we got see a new dark side to him. But here in this film, Holly!! The story follows Andrew Neyman, a 19-year-old aspiring student jazz drummer at a music conservatory in Manhattan who's pushed and inspired by the abuse and aspirations of his school band leader Terrence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) with a ruthlessly brutal teaching style. After picking Andrew to play in the school band, he pushes Andrew to his limits in order to realize his full potential, at the risk of his humanity. Terence has a reputation for being the best, but mentoring under him comes at a price. He is ruthless with his verbal abuse & taunts that attempts to push his students towards the greatness he believes they can achieve. Newcomer Andrew is no spared his ire as evidenced in this heated reaction when Andrew can't find Terence's tempo, , "Were you rushing or were you dragging? If you deliberately sabotage my band, I will gut you like a pig. Oh my dear God - are you one of those single tear people? You are a worthless pancy-ass who is now weeping and slobbering all over my drumset like a nine year old girl!" There is no "Wash-on, Wash-off" PG-ness here. Writer/Director Damien Chazelle has turned his Sundance award-winning short film into a fascinatingly brutal message movie that begs for discussion and debate. This film is a journey in the search of your inner spirit, inner creativity, not only will it make it clear that you cannot succeed without effort and hard work, it will also make you realize there are two different kinds of artists - those who make art and those who creat them. Being mean is in Terence's nature. And his assault on his young protégés is sometimes hard to watch. The best part of the film its keeps you so engrossed, you will always be unsure of where it is headed. The technical aspects of the film help it become so stimulating with dizzying closeups tightly edited together and its the stark orange tinted cinematography. It's thoroughly impressive that the Miles Teller knew nothing about drumming before this film & the film was shot in only 19 days & for them to get shots so immaculately timed and performed with all those complicated movements. The concluding act only further exemplifies the events and personalities that took us to the stage and the audience cheered in Andrew's defiance while gasping at his situation. Writer-director Damien Chazelle does a stunning job of keeping us on the edge of our seats wondering when or if a climatic breakdown will occur. We watch in awe as Andrew gets pushed and pushes himself until his hands bleed after hours of relentless play. We feel as uncomfortable for his situation as we feel trapped in finding a solution to Andrew's goal. Miles Teller is on a crazy streak; doing some decent movies and putting in even better performances, but Whiplash definitely taps his greatest effort thus far in his incredibly young career. JK Simmons is as good as they say he is. He's a force of nature, with a terrifying presence. But it's not a one-note performance. Simmons is still subversive with moments of weakness, insecurity, approachability. Even though he's an unlikeable character with nothing nice to say, he's still somewhat endearing and enigmatic! Director Damien Chazelle has given us a cinematic gem! He seems like a filmmaker that knows exactly what type of films he wants to make. He takes inspiration from his own life, his love of film and music, and other places I'm sure we don't know about, and molds them into a gritty, layered experience, conditioned with rich characters, all realized through the writer's story. He has given us one of the best scripts of 2014 & without doubt the BEST climax I have seen in a long while. An ending that will bring tears to your eyes, dual performances that will have you applaud, and an experience that you surely will not forget. Drumming has never felt like such a personality. It acts as a visible tool for the viewer to understand and try. Expect some awards going in the way of "Whiplash" and look out for Simmons in the Oscars shortlist, that's how good he is in it. On the whole Whiplash is not just film or a character study of two people, but an art & an education in itself. Holy Must watch!! ”- saadforever890
Interstellar (2014)
A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival. (169 mins.)
Director: Christopher Nolan
“ I should say I love Christopher Nolan. I have adore, drooled & literally studied all of his movies, be it The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception or even Insomnia (which I think is his weakest film), Nolan has always set out to create awe and inspire its audiences, and Interstellar is no exception. The marvelous piece of work whose visuals will be hard to forget. His shots of space and the way he played with colors is rather masterful. This film is truly a sci-fi epic like no other, Mr. Nolan has set out to make his most personal and emotional film to date about love and time. There are no words to express the epic journey Nolan takes us on in this film, but needless to say, it's tear-jerking and emotional throughout. The acting is top-notch, especially McConaughey, who gives his most emotional yet inspiring performance yet! Looks like another Oscar nomination heading his way! Anne Hathaway, Wes Bentley, Michael Caine, Casey Affleck, Jessica Chastain and other actors also coped with their roles and presented the film's supporting characters very realistic. The only problem (too slight) would be the sub plot of Matt Damon (Hell yea), a character whose inclusion & sub plot, which I felt was quite unnecessary, which added nothing to the script or the whole plot. If we talk about the characters, it should be noted also two robots that accompanied our heroes in this difficult journey. One of them adds a touch of humor in the film, which mitigates constantly depressing, dramatic, and sometimes really dark atmosphere. The musical score from Hans Zimmer is, without a doubt, his best and most influential work to date, helping drive the film's bold and breath-taking vision. The visual effects are easily one of the best as well, making it a must watch for IMAX theaters. To see a black hole created through visual effects in such a way, both beautiful & horrifying! This film probably had the most realistic depiction of a black hole yet, and even offered new insight to accretion discs surrounding the anomalies (pretty cool!). Then, there's the writing. I would definitely have to say this has some of the best dialogue I've ever heard in a sci-fi movie, and the script continually pours or oozes emotion, keeping the audience tethered to the film. This story is about true love, about loyalty, forgiveness, fraud, hard decisions, and much more. And it is designed in a way to leave room for the imagination of the viewers. It's also possible to notice some structure allusion to another Nolan's work - Inception. The story and visuals are combined just perfect! "Interstellar" is a film that wins the hearts of the audience not only with its sci-fi splendor, but also an emotional story that lies at its very heart. This film is not only about the discoveries, space exploration and the final frontier of mankind, but also about the relationship of father and daughter, who were in a difficult situation in life when one has to leave the other in the name of a goal that can not be underestimated. Just too epic!! Must Watch in IMAX!! ” - saadforever890
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Bilbo and Company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into the hands of a rising darkness. (144 mins.)
Director: Peter Jackson
“ Back in 2001, the year when The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings I just knew this was going to be the most epic franchises ever! Every movie I saw was always an improvement of the previous. While the series ended with the most epic was possible with the Return of the King (2003), 11 years later the stories, characters & battle sequence still live in our minds. Being a fan, I was glad when Peter Jackson decided to bring back us back to Middle Earth with a prequel series - The Hobbit. A series adapted from mere 320 pages of a children's book, splitting it into three parts was always going to be a task. Although It took time realizing that this was not going to have the same effect as the LOTR trilogy, it could build on its own epic ness. And it did, when I have accepted that this preceded the first 3 movies, I understood a different story telling. One cannot compare movies or series that are entirely different from the other, much less, one which would tell the history of the first. Well yes An Unexpected Journey (2012) was a bit low, as it catered to a more friendly side, all doubts where restored by The Desolation of Smaug (2013). It was an incredibly enjoyable movie and is one of my favorite fantasy films of all time. When The Desolation of Smaug ended on a cliffhanger as Smaug flies to lake town to destroy everything, it has been uphill task for a fan like me to wait for a year to see the epic conclusion, and how is the battle? Fantastic obviously! The movie started where the previous installment had ended. Scenes of epic destruction and fire in the lake-town are brilliantly shot. Bard kills Smaug with the Black Arrow but lake-town is completely destroyed. Thorin takes shelter in Erebor and refuses to pay any heed to the troubles of the men of lake- town. This time Gandalf is rescued not by giant eagles, but surprisingly by Lady Galadriel, Saruman and Lord Elrond. On the other hand, Bilbo smuggles the Arkenstone out of Erebor and gives to Bard. He asks him to use the stone to negotiate with Thorin. There are many scenes that I just can't get over with that keeps replaying in my head. Bard using his son to kill Smaug, Thorin's gold sickness, Galadriel's outrage, the nine and Saruman's fighting sequence (played by Sir Christopher Lee was really awesome), Thranduil asking Bilbo to confess about stealing the keys to his dungeon, Elven King's smirk that signaled his archers to position and the sad demises of some characters (not mentioning a spoiler here). I think that if Peter Jackson wasn't the director, this battle would not work because only he can shoot the war in such a way that is both effective and jumpy. Peter Jackson is king when it comes to battle scenes, having directed what is by far the two best cinematic battles ever, in the battle of Helm's Deep and the battle of Pelennor's Field/of Minas Tirith. And even though the battle doesn't really beat those two battles, this one is still one of the all-time best. The wonder of the visual effects and action makes this battle a delight to watch. It may be long, but let me tell you, it is EPIC. After Helm's Deep, I didn't think Peter Jackson would be able to get any better. I was pleasantly surprised. Though a lot of it is CGI, the battle is carried out perfectly. The fighting, effects and acting are brilliant and everyone who worked on the film deserves a big pat on the back. Besides the battle itself and the opening sequence, there's an undeniably magnificent relationship between Thorin and Bilbo in this movie. The chemistry between the two shines bright, and is one of the strongest aspects of the entire film and the entire trilogy as a whole. Martin Freeman has done excellent work as Bilbo Baggins and shown us that his acting talents are not limited only to Sherlock. While not given the amount of screen time as he was given in the first two Hobbit films, is still perfect as Bilbo - perfect! He really captures the essence and personality of Bilbo beautifully! Richard is amazing as Thorin and every character has performed greatly. Armitage in particular brings the best performance he's given in the trilogy, as Thorin's character-arc is very interesting and quite dark in this film and Armitage pulls that off in spades. You also have Lee Pace as Thranduil, who also performs at the top of his game. Contrary to his performance as the ill-wicked Ronan the Accuser in the last summer's Guardians of the Galaxy, Pace is really given the opportunity to shine here and works really well together with Armitage to form this ill rivalry between the two. Sir Ian McKellen knocks his role as Gandalf the Grey out of the park once again. But that is as obvious as sunrise and sunset. Another standout is Orlando Bloom as Legolas. Most of you people probably already know that Legolas is not in the book. This topic is often a hotly debated one, with some people saying that he has no place being there and that he's just forced into the film, while others, like me, thinks that he does add something to the film. And that is what Bloom has done in the two entries in which he was given screen time. He is such a cool character. I mean if you would look up the definition of cool or badass, Legolas should be at the top of that "list". Everything Legolas does in the film is done with such flavor and style, that it is hard to not be amazed by him. Legolas truly is, just like in the last film, a really cool character. another character who is often hated for being a non-canon character is Tauriel - a character that I also love. Evangeline Lily brings such a great presence to the film. It is often in movies that you don't believe when there's a badass female hero or villain. You can tell that that person couldn't even lift a sword and that the only reason to why she's a badass is because it says so in the script. Well, that's not the case with Tauriel or Lily as Tauriel, she's a force to be reckon with, and challenges often Legolas in terms of who is a bigger badass! Even though I still wasn't completely sold on the whole romance front (still like it though) between Tauriel and Kili - played very well by Aidan Turner, one of my favorite dwarfs of the entire company. Luke Evans as Bard is just as interesting and relevant as in the last one. Evans manages to bring out more depth and charisma & at times manages to steal the thunder from the rest of the cast! Benedict cumberbatch's voice-over of Smaug is delicious! Though it is the shortest movie in the series, it is enough, satisfactory and not remotely boring. Believe me folks this is worth your bucks. It is not just a movie, it is a cinematic experience even non-hobbit fans will enjoy. To sum it all up; The Battle of the Five Armies brings to a spectacular conclusion the legend of Middle-Earth. It is the ending of a 9-hour film and to certain extent, the ending to the full, now, 21-hour saga. In ten years we can look upon these films as six chapters of what is ultimately one story. And in ten years the Middle-Earth films will still live on. Battle Of Five Armies is a brilliant, emotional & fitting way to end the Middle-Earth saga! ” - saadforever890
Gone Girl (2014)
With his wife's disappearance having become the focus of an intense media circus, a man sees the spotlight turned on him when it's suspected that he may not be innocent. (149 mins.)
Director: David Fincher
“ David Fincher has done it again!!! With a great set of films behind him (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Se7en, Zodiac, The Social Network) this big screen adaption of best seller novel was widely anticipated & man does it deliver!!David Fincher and Gillian Flynn's (also the novelist) intelligent storytelling through out this fantastic journey will make sure your at the edge of the seat, wondering what is gonna happen next, from start to end, they have made sure that every element is undeniably good! Some people might be turned off due to its 149-minute long running time, but the film is so meticulously well paced that it never really slows down long enough for moviegoers to glance at their watches. Each scene is allowed just enough time to breathe before we're rushed into the next thing. With plenty of twists and turns, the film keeps you, not only second guessing the whole idea of marriage, but the intentions of every character in the film. The performances are just brilliant!! Looks like Rosamund Pike has an Oscar nomination heading her way, other than being just one of the most gorgeous women out there, she pulls you into her mind, while forcing you to question yourself, it right to root for her? Ben Affleck aka Batflleck is perfectly cast and works well, playing to his strengths and probably giving one of the best performances of his career. Niel Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother) underplays his character perfectly, but I do wish he had more screen time. The biggest surprise is Tyler Perry, delivering a shockingly hilarious and fitting performance, showcasing impeccable comic timing and oozing personality in every scene. Looks like he finally has a chance to move away from his Madea days. Overall, Gone Girl is intense filled with dark humor & violence, as we've come to expect from Fincher, while being a complete package of smart storytelling, phenomenal pacing and perfect performances. Gone Girl is without question one of the year's best films, one of the year's most unique films and one of the films of this year that you should not miss. ” - saadforever890
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous hotel from the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. (100 mins.)
Director: Wes Anderson
“ Just like Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson isn't just a film maker but an institution himself, and The Grand Budapest Hotel is easily his best work till date! This film is clearly the most brilliant & ridiculous film I have ever seen! It maintains a thin line between humor & thrill making this a complete 90 minutes joy ride. With a great host of actors (oh seriously so many: Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson & countless cameos. ), its Ralph Fiennes & Tony Revolori's show all the way!! the entire film is an amazing adventure with James Bond style chases, a large murder mystery, the best placed cussing and of course the sensational cinematography. The sets, models, angles and even the most nondescript characters come to life each on their own and together as a symphony of beauty. It's freaking brilliant in every possible way!! Must watch!!! ” - saadforever890
The Theory of Everything (2014)
The relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife. (123 mins.)
Director: James Marsh
“ Stephen Hawking, is without a doubt one of the most renowned man of our time. His great scientific endeavors are an accomplishment in itself, but doing so while suffering from a debilitating motor-neuron disease (ALS), which has progressed over the years, while doctors had predicted would kill him in two years, he is good at the age of 71 currently. As many may know he is almost entirely paralyzed and communicates through a speech-generating device. Director James Marsh bring us a film on the life of this man, based upon the book written by his 1st wife Jane Hawking herself. This film is not just about Hawking's uphill struggles towards fame but is mainly focused on his relationship with Jane Hawking - from their 1st meeting to their divorce to his knighthood from the Queen of England. This true story is a sensitive piece of film making & is made sure by James Marsh that it stands as one of the finest movies of the year. This film is not just a story about the science behind the beginnings of our universe, but the science of love; and how life's challenges that we face everyday, shape who we are and what we achieve. The movie does not shy away from making Hawking a complex character, as well as Jane, showing both their positive and negative sides. Its very hard to understand the complexities of his personal life and the shocking divorce in 1990 from his long sacrificing wife of more than 25 years. That episode served to darken his reputation in the minds of many, who felt ill at ease with anyone who could leave a partner who had done so much for him just at the long awaited moment when international fame and recognition finally arrived. The strengths of this film rely solely on the performances of Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones. These two actors are absolutely brilliant in the lead roles. Stephen Hawking is the role that Redmayne was born to play. Hawking is portrayed as a charming and intellectually superior individual that behaves just like any one else, until the heartbreak starts. In Eddie Redmayne, we get a fully realized and tender performance. The first twenty minutes of the film, prior to the diagnosis of Hawking's disease, Redmayne utilizes all the quick wit and charm to show what his Stephen loved the most of his work and his woman. Obviously going through the physical transformation must be rewarded. His efforts in contorting his body and learning the physical tics that Stephen Hawking has displayed in real life are extremely commendable and impressive, this guy has sure shot for a Best Actor nomination at the Oscars. When it comes to Felicity Jones, the emotional backbone of the entire process has to be awarded to her. Jane Hawking is a sweet, loving and determined person that will go to the lengths of the universe to make sure her husband, Stephen can survive. Jones takes upon a daunting and heavily emotional character, never afraid to have the audience dislike or be disappointed in what she's doing. Complex and staggering in the way she decides to portray the brave Jane, Jones allows her character to grow, and both live and learn inside of her. What's most remarkable about Jones is she makes everything seem so effortless. She's not faking anything, she's really feeling and becoming Jane. She locates all the emotions required of her to execute successfully. It's a turn I wouldn't be surprised to see runaway with the Academy Award for Best Actress. The OST for the film is absolutely outstanding! It hits all the right marks, brings upon emotions right when you are on the verge of tears, leaves you in awe after a beautiful monologue, and finishes with a melancholy but very fitting tone. On the whole, The Theory of Everything, showcases Hawking's lesser- known personal life, rather than the scientific achievements he became famous for, by placing inside a message of inspiration. This is an immensely satisfying film with stand-out acting performances by Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones and skilled direction by James Marsh, making this one of the best films of the year! ” - saadforever890
Selma (2014)
A chronicle of Martin Luther King's campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. (128 mins.)
Director: Ava DuVernay
“ This film is a powerful cinematic telling of the lesser known chronicle of Martin Luther King Jr.'s campaign as he organizes the infamous marches during the height of the civil rights movement for equal voting rights. The film features Martin Luther King Jr. (David Oyelowo) leading a civil rights march in Selma because he is tired of African Americans being denied the right to vote. On top of this, he and his wife Coretta Scott King (Carmen Ejogo) are having marriage issues. While battling the racist governor of Alabama, George Wallace (Tim Roth) & pressurizing President Lyndon B. Johnson (Tom Wilkinson) into passing the bill in congress. Director Duvernay's film is not an idealistic portrayal of a humanitarian and his movement but a realistic representation of a man. The story may not bring out the tears from a sobbing cry of sorrow but will evoke the catching and hurtful ache from the pain of the racial injustice of that generation. We are taken on a long harrowing journey for equality with such reverence and restraint. There are a few minor missteps along the way as the film does lose some of its its footing in reality when it uses famous actors like Oprah Winfrey, Martin Sheen and Dylan Baker, all impersonating real life figures, rather than using lesser known actors for those roles, or when the film tries to connect the non-violent actions of Dr. King and his followers with the recent protests that led to escalating violence. The film manages to avoid being a generic biopic by being a film that is equally about the civil rights march as it is about Martin Luther King. Politics is a major element of the film and King's speeches, his debates with Lyndon B. Johnson are as important as his personal problems at home. Ava DuVernay directs the powerful story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. towards the later years in his life, as written in screenplay form by Paul Webb. The man we see is an accomplished and ultimately successful advocate and recognized by the Nobel committee for his efforts in the civil rights movement. His work as a reverend and a leader is far from finished. David Oyelowo, although a tad inconsistent early on, elevated to another level when he transformed before your eyes to a dynamic and vulnerable Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Toward the end of the movie, his performance was so strong, if he was not actually shown on the screen, you couldn't tell if if was an old recording of MLK or David Oyelowo himself.He experiences many emotions, not generally associated with the civil rights activist, including guilt, shame and defeat. Oyelowo does a masterful job of bringing these emotions to light in the most subtle way. As someone who is known for his small supporting roles this is a huge leap forward for Oyelowo. Tim Roth and Tom Wilkinson are also very good in their supporting roles. The movie also features good cameo performances from Martin Sheen, Cuba Gooding Jr, Dylan Baker and Oprah Winfrey. It will be surprising if "Selma" does not elicit an emotional response. A truly effective film will make its audience relate and sympathize, and that is just what the filmmakers of Selma accomplish. On the whole "Selma" is a powerful and emotionally moving film. DuVernay's direction is truly superb. She manages to create a tension filled atmosphere and deliver two of the film's best and most brilliantly staged scenes. A wonderful movie that provides an enthralling look at the civil rights movement and the life of Martin Luther King Jr. that is both brilliantly directed and excellently acted. Must Watch!! ” - saadforever890
Foxcatcher (2014)
The greatest Olympic Wrestling Champion brother team joins Team Foxcatcher led by multimillionaire sponsor John E. du Pont as they train for the 1988 games in Seoul - a union that leads to unlikely circumstances. (129 mins.)
Director: Bennett Miller
“ This film is anything but a wrestling drama. This is not a sports movie, but a slow-burning character study in which the wrestling serves as the visual, physical expression of the psychological struggle between the characters. Although based on the true story of Olympic gold medalist Mark Schultz and his brief years of training under multimillionaire John du Pont, the film expands well beyond the wrestling ring into the minds of two men longing to find greatness. The story follows Mark Shultz (Channing Tatum), living a rather lonely life in the faded glory of his 1984 gold medal & itching to accomplish more; his brother, Dave (Mark Ruffalo), also a gold winner, is a family man & his trainer. When John du Pont (Steve Carell) contacts Mark about paying him to come train at his top-notch facility on his family's estate, Foxcatcher Farm, he sees his opportunity. Mark and du Pont's philosophies about striving to be the best align, and the two form a close, almost father-and-son bond, though more so because they both feel pressure to live up to others' expectations. Du Pont, in particular, wants to prove himself to his mother (Vanessa Redgrave), who breeds world class horses and finds wrestling barbaric. He hopes he can make her proud by leading a team of wrestlers to gold in Seoul in 1988. But du Pont doesn't just want to be a benefactor. Even though he's little more than an extremely wealthy fan, with only a rudimentary knowledge of the sport, he wants to be seen as a coach and mentor to his wrestlers. And so, when Dave arrives to guide his brother, jealousy develops. Dave is everything du Pont wishes he could be, but isn't. He's a great teacher, a great leader. This leads to tension that slowly builds toward the story's shocking climax as du Pont's demons emerge. John's desperation, bottomless checkbook and unresolved family issues make for a dangerous combination, and his relationship with Mark slowly begins to change for the worse. Further complicating the matter is Dave, the only man capable of saving Mark from his demanding expectations of himself and whose coaching expertise intimidates du Pont. The often unspoken psychological warfare between the three (and, perhaps most importantly, du Pont and his mother) is the driving force of the story more than anything that actually happens on screen. Mark's ups and downs as he competes at the '87 World Championships and '88 Olympic trials are symptomatic of his mental state and the state of his relationship with the other men. Director Bennett Miller allows us to study its subjects, and give the audience an in-depth understanding of all the motives involved plus the atmosphere he creates is truly compelling. The good performances is definitely the most enjoyable part. As du Pont, Carell is almost unrecognizable beneath make-up and prosthetic. It's a quietly disturbing performance that will definitely have audiences and critics seeing the comic talent in a new light. With strength and precision, he understands DuPont, a man with an extreme outlook on reality. Carell doesn't just ask us to sympathize with John, between his awkward behavior and his constant yearning to impress his family's legacy, he demands our understanding. If I didn't already know about the film for the past two years, I wouldn't have recognized him. His performance is completely focused and profound. Looking at the way he carries himself through the film, you are witnessing one of the purest creations of a character this year. When he's not on-screen, you're secretly wishing he was. Action/comedy star Tatum also has a breakthrough turn as the intense and driven young Schultz who grows increasingly uncomfortable under du Pont's subjugation. What he does in Miller's film is something beyond anything I could have ever thought he could do. Tatum doesn't just do an imitation, he channels the inner workings of a man desperate for more. His peculiarities are richly on display as he yearns for a father figure outside of the shadow of his more successful brother. He embraces the odd DuPont, against all logical instincts, but you can see exactly why he would feel so compelled to do so. With those two in transforming roles, it's easy to overlook Ruffalo (who always seems to get overlooked). Dave is the comparison point for both these men. He's a family man who is smart, has accomplished a lot and knows what it truly means to work hard. Ruffalo brings his trademark authenticity to his part as the "good guy" and does it so well.The normally wiry Ruffalo packed on a lot of muscle to play Dave Schultz. Here, he looks less like his Bruce Banner alter ego, and more like the Hulk himself. Ruffalo mounts himself on the perch of a loving brother just trying to create success for himself and his family. This is another solid outing for him. Co-star Vanessa Redgrave, as John's fragile mother, is marvelous in her short scenes while Sienna Miller adds a needed dynamic to understanding both Mark and Dave. The two women both offer compassion and balance.On the whole "Foxcatcher" is terrifying, disturbing, utterly engaging & a long, at times brooding film that can drag in spite of the brilliant character development and internal drama. Definitely among the best to come out in 2014. ” - saadforever890
Fury (2014)
April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany. (134 mins.)
Director: David Ayer
“ Their must be about 100 movies already about WW2, so what makes this David Ayer (End of Watch) directed film different? Well its pits a tank filled with five American soldiers at the tail end of World War II as they struggle to fight off a small army of Nazi soldiers that are closing in on them. And probably I think this the 1st time they didn't glorify a war in a film (at least from what I have seen), but instead shows how Brutal, callous, hateful, merciless & ugly it is & the how it brings out the worst in men. The primary flaw with the movie is its lack of originality in characters. You have your typical veterans (The leader, the vulgar one, the religious one, and the drunk) and a new fish-out-of-water thrown in with them, but they are all developed adequately in this case. Likewise, the plot is not so simplistic and cliched as the trailer would imply, but it's still somewhat predictable. If you can get past the slightly formulaic plot and characters, it's generally very well acted and has some great talent driving it. Brad Pitt is fantastic, as always a delight a watch. Michael Pena surprisingly got a full fetched role & he did absolutely good. Shia LaBeouf seems to have gone through a unrecognizable transformation, even with a limited screen time his portrayal was very likeable. This film is actually a talent showcase for Logan Lerman, technically he is the lead as the film is seen through his eyes, & man does he perform! Coming way out of his teenage fantasy film, this is one young actor to watch out for! Ayer has an extremely keen eye for chemistry on screen and he directs each of these actors to deliver performances that are well beyond anything that could be scripted. These men truly feel as if they are brothers in arms and you buy into every second of it. The film on a technical level is terrific. Ayer's film is grim, bloody and unrelenting and fully captures the absolutely horrific nature of war. I have to say David Ayer redeemed himself (after the terrible Sabotage film) and he did it with glorious retribution. The gorgeous battle sequences, The camera work, the excellent sound makes this film an unflinching look at the last weeks of WWII in Europe through the eyes of an armored crew. Fury is is visually stunning film, an ode to brotherhood & an insight into an ugly war through some terrific performances. ” - saadforever890
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
Ten years after a pandemic disease, apes who have survived it are drawn into battle with a group of human survivors. (130 mins.)
Director: Matt Reeves
“ Loosely inspired by Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973), Dawn of the Planet of The Apes manages to be even better than Rise of the Planet of The Apes (2011) in lots of ways thanks to the great script with highly engaging and intense proceedings with great characters. The only negative factor which may work against for many people (not me!) is the slow development in the 1st hour leading up to epic 2nd hour. The performances from all stunt men and actors bringing life to these apes transcend the visual brilliance. Andy Serkis delivers one of his most satisfying performances to date. His dedication and his understanding of every thread and fiber of Caesars being are in every frame of this film. & of course the all-out, aggressive performance from Toby Kebbell as Koba. He breaks the barrier of something quite terrifying and strong. Unlike its prequel, the human characters except for Jason Clarke don't have much to do, especially its a shame to see Gary Oldman being wasted. Nevertheless Dawn of the Planet of the Apes transcends the Hollywood blockbuster. Not only does it deliver that rare sequel explores its world and characters further, but it's also richly told, beautifully and hauntingly portrayed and truly exciting and terrifying in equal measures making it the best film of 2014 so far. ” - saadforever890
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
As Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world, he teams up with another super soldier, the black widow, to battle a new threat from old history: an assassin known as the Winter Soldier. (136 mins.)
Director: Anthony RussoJoe Russo
“ If you thought you had seen the best superhero based film in The Dark Knigh & The Avengers, well you got another addition to that list! With brilliant action (of course!), amazing performances from Samuel Jackson, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johnson, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan & Robert Redford this is a well-constructed, political action-thriller, but nothing comes as more of a shock than how important the story is at defining the direction of the MCU. The Winter Soldier is the darkest story we've come to encounter, raising many deep-seated questions about government and soldiers of war while also taking Rogers on an emotional journey. Marvel studios has made sure that one of its most underrated character gets a big leap (Yes, this film is best next to The Avengers) into the minds of every cinema goer! Must Watch!!! ” - saadforever890
Boyhood (2014)
The life of a young man, Mason, from age 5 to age 18. (165 mins.)
Director: Richard Linklater
“ It may seem impossible on paper, but Richard Linklaster used the same actors & to authentically capture 12 years of life experiences into a beautiful and moving 3 hour film which, I have to admit, there was not a moment of this film I could have done without. The best thing about "Boyhood" is that it relies on life as its main plot point, not just the characters and their motivations. Like life, they change as the years go by – in spirit and in goals. For young children coming of age, their youth is a turbulent time – full of raging hormones and confused emotions, questioning themselves about their place in this life – you only live once, so they say. The actors deliver an outstanding performance. Ellar Coltrane is simply stupendous. As you watch his transformation before your eyes, his subtle and restrained performance will floor you, scene after scene, year after year. It's astounding how Coltrane interprets young Mason as a boy, bringing him through adolescence with grace, and then fully realizes what kind of man he has become. Ethan Hawke continues to be one of the more undervalued and underutilized actors working today. Hawke shines once again, involving both mind and spirit, into a man we may know all too well. Patricia Arquette ignites the spirit in a performance that should land her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Arquette's beautiful yet exhilarating turn often feels like riding on the edge of a cliff, unsure if we're going in, but even more excited just to be on the ride with her. Pure and raw talent exists in her, and it's been worth the wait to finally witness it all unravel.Richard Linklater casts his daughter Lorelei Linklater to play Samantha, Mason's older sister. Without even realizing or thinking about it, you secretly and solemnly fall in love with her transformation from girl to woman. She is every bit as brilliant as any person in the cast, delivering on all beats, allowing her awkward yet sweet demeanor to pierce through yet not forgetting her annoyance and overbearing nature in which she came. In essence, Linklater's Boyhood is a must-see film for any lover of the movies. It's the type of film that was imagined when they invented film. Pure awesomeness!!! ” - saadforever890
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
A group of intergalactic criminals are forced to work together to stop a fanatical warrior from taking control of the universe.(121 mins.)
Director: James Gunn
“ Marvel has given us the Star Wars of our generation! As a huge fan of this underrated Marvel comic series I was delighted to hear this film was getting made with the perfect choice of Guardians and what a perfect cast to play them. The biggest surprise for me was Dave Bautista who I thought was only cast for his size but his delivery was spot on for Drax. Chris Pratt was hilarious whilst still excellent at delivering some of the films most emotional scenes. Zoe Saldana was born to play Gamora! But clearly the scene belongs to Bradley Cooper & Vin Diesel or should I say their CGI counterparts Rocket Racoon & Groot! The biggest disappointment in this film was portrayal of Ronan the Accuser, just like Marvel's previous films, the antagonists have been poorly portrayed! (except Loki, who is more of anti hero now), those who have been reading Marvel comics will know he is not a genocide maniac as portrayed by the talented Lee Pace here, but instead a brute force who at times teams up with The Avengers. Nevertheless James Gunn has made sure Guardians of the Galaxy is nothing short of an amazing movie as this movie is filled with all the required thrills and spills, a great soundtrack and is a first class action movie. It also has a great mixture of comedic value and a deal of seriousness. This wonderful adventure and its captivating characters will be in mind for a long time. ” - saadforever890
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
A military officer is brought into an alien war against an extraterrestrial enemy who can reset the day and know the future. When this officer is enabled with the same power, he teams up with a Special Forces warrior to try and end the war.(113 mins.)
Director: Doug Liman
“ The best way to describe the plot of this sci fi extravaganza is kinda like Groundhog Day, Source Code and The Butterfly Effect meet Star ship Troopers with better looking Aliens, better action, better plot & of course Tom Cruise. Edge of Tomorrow's world building is slick and credible. The CGI and the special effects are seamless and bring the grand set pieces and the relentless aliens to life. The action is really pounding and the script is very witty and inventive as it needs to be when you're dealing with time travel. Despite its action thrills Edge of Tomorrow finds plenty of room for character development both for Cruise and Blunt, who may I say play their parts beautifully!! Edge of Tomorrow is yet another sci-fi Tom Cruise film, just like Oblivion, War Of The Worlds & Minority Reports, kick's some serious ass from start to finish. Definitely the best film of the year yet!! ” - saadforever890
Nightcrawler (2014)
When Lou Bloom, a driven man desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.(117 mins.)
Director: Dan Gilroy
“ This film is a satire to modern television news about how they choose their leads or often seek for more ratings by entertaining their viewers rather than aim straightly to the facts. But there is a much interesting story beneath here and that is the main character, Louis Bloom. Everything else may just be the natural world of crime and accidents, but in the eyes of this character, the experience is made far stranger and oddly fascinating. The film tells the story of Lou Bloom, a freelance videographer who covers the crime world in LA for a local news station and ruthless editor played by Rene Russo. It isn't before long until Bloom's demented job overtakes his life, making him colder and colder the deeper he goes. The film plays like a twisted bloody version of Network and has the satirical wit to back it up. Lou Bloom is a driven man reminiscent of a sociopath who finds he has a talent as "nightcrawling" in that he takes videos of true crimes as they are happening to be broadcast on the news. His motivation and seeming lack of empathy allow him to break through and take the controversial images, and sell them with a strong aptitude for negotiation. The film gives us a look into a grim and often dirty gig as he is not looking to help or to provide encouragement; he's there to get his shots and move on, hoping to turn as large of a profit as he can. We see Los Angeles in the light of what could be classifiable as a contemporary film noir, in dark, sometimes shadowy-photography and dingy environments that reveal an ugliness to a city that is normally captured as very beautiful and ideal in terms of climate. The film highlights the contemporary exploration of journalistic ethics and how, with local cable news competing with so many twenty-four hour news stations, who, in turn, are also battling more rapidly-updated social media websites, the manipulation of news is ever-present on Television. News programs, like sitcoms, reality shows, and sports events, are a game of numbers and those numbers are ratings – something that the film makes depressingly clear to us. Jake Gyllenhaal is utterly fantastic in this film. Lou Bloom is a role that he is completely submerged in and it oozes through every frame as our dislike for Bloom intensifies throughout the film. But what this film does best is not make us particularly like Bloom but it makes us wonder what he is willing to do next. And trust me, his actions get as sick and as shocking as they come. Bloom is a depraved individual and Jake Gyllenhaal deserves a hell of a lot acknowledgment for this role because he pulls off the tricky task of making the audience care about a character that is truly unlikeable and does so with not one false note. It is truly mesmerizing to see. After End of Watch, Prisoners & Enemy, this is another role Jake Gyllenhall nailed it as one of the most contemporary & often written off actors of our generation. The supporting cast including Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed & Bill Paxton are absolutely great in this film and deliver career bests here. Director Dan Gilroy and cinematographer Robert Elswit do everything in their power to subvert our ideas of Los Angeles and focus on transitory locations that show the ugliest of human events in such a way that is beautiful and captivating thanks to crystal-clear photography. Writer/Director Dan Gilroy is someone to watch, especially coming out of the gates with a film filled with sheer and raw velocity like this one. It is not only an impressive first film but a brilliant film all around. On the whole Nightcrawler is slick, dangerous & highly engrossing tense thriller! Must watch! ” - saadforever890
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
The X-Men send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent an event that results in doom for both humans and mutants. (131 mins.)
Director: Bryan Singer
“ Lets get some things out of the way 1stly X-Men: DOFP serves a sequel to X-Men: Last Stand (2006), X-Men First Class (2011) & The Wolverine (2013)! Fans of the original trilogy and First Class will definitely enjoy this nostalgic perfect and well balanced mix between the original characters and the new ones (well the originals don't have much screen time as expected). Hugh Jackman is always great in his most popular role (Note: Please don't make any more standalone movies, they are terrible!). Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen & Michael Fassbender are great actors & its always a delight to watch them. But without doubt its James McAvoy & Jennifer Lawrence along with Evan Peters (as Quick Silver) who turn out as the show stealers! Director Bryan Singer (X-men, X2, Superman Returns) delivers a surprisingly top notch entertaining film with a potent story, some good twists with enough emotional content that helps to live up to its expectations mixed with terrific special effects and cinematography which can be watched & loved by every movie goer not just the fan boys, except the 3D is a big NO NO!! Must watch!!! ” - saadforever890
The Interview (2014)
Dave Skylark and producer Aaron Rapoport run the celebrity tabloid show "Skylark Tonight." When they land an interview with a surprise fan, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, they are recruited by the CIA to turn their trip to Pyongyang into an assassination mission. (112 mins.)
“ This movie has been in news for so long, well thanks to North Korea, who at 1st warned the release of the film as "an act of war", & then hacked Sony (literally). Well after initially announcing the non release of this film, Sony sold the distribution rights to Youtube & Google Play. Personally I think Sony should be thankful to North Korea, to help marketing a film like never seen before. About the film - well its pretty much in the same lines of comedy we expect from a Seth Rogen film, they are enormously intelligent, yet also full of dick jokes, racist comments & homophobic humor. But whether anyone would agree or not, according to me the quality of his films just keeps getting better. The story follows TV host Dave Skylark (James Franco) and producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) who run the celebrity show "Skylark Tonight" who land an interview with a surprise fan, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un (Randall Park), hence get recruited by the CIA agent (Lizzy Caplan) to turn their trip to Pyongyang into an assassination mission. As soon as they land the mission to kill off Kim Jung goes awry immediately and the film heads into territory that you will not expect. Directors Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg have clearly aimed the film at a younger generation. The screenplay is incredibly sarcastic and crude, and if you don't like that kind of humor you probably won't like the movie. It's the type of humor Neigbours, This Is The End, Zoolander, and Anchorman movies have. The sarcastic, over-the-top humor that Rogan and Franco love to use in their movies was spot on. From the opening to the ending scene, the film just kept me laughing. Yes, it would have been easy to make this a fictional dictator, but keeping it real makes the film relevant and even important. Too many people turn their eyes away from this important topic. Not only is a comedy the best way to discuss such the horrors of totalitarianism in a mainstream way, it may be the only way. Even though the misery of the North Koreans is satirized without any dark scenes its in the humor we could see the message. Its pretty obvious why the North Koreans would be offended by this film, this may actually just be a funny portrayal, but it really takes home the perspective on how the North Korean wants people to see themselves as. Even though the movie is fairly mild for Western audiences, but if the people of North Korea saw this film, they might just start a revolt as the movie suggests. The concept itself, would raise eye-brows & the sequences involving the dictator, are quite shocking, even though its told in all good humor. Even the excessive violence in the narrative may puts off for some people. Among the performances Seth Rogen is bit more restrained than his usual self (for a change) & gets to play a comparatively serious role. The real star of the show surprisingly is James Franco. He is a complete riot. His over-the-top, loud performance as the self-obsessed TV-Anchor, brings the house down on numerous occasions. Lizzy Caplan is first-rate. Randall Park is another topper as the megalomaniac dictator. His scenes with Franco, are truly funny. Diana Bang is stupendous, she unknowingly steals the show! On the whole 'The Interview' is quite a joyride! Seth Rogen's story, is nicely complimented by a mostly laugh-out-loud screenplay. There are moments of pure hilarity, as well as moments involving shocking dialogue. Despite the doomed controversy surrounding it, directors Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg have given us a one of the coolest & funniest film of 2014, that deserved a wider release. Its limited release may restrict its appeal, but I'd suggest anyone who wants to laugh hard, should check this one out. Highly Recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Maps to the Stars (2014)
A tour into the heart of a Hollywood family chasing celebrity, one another and the relentless ghosts of their pasts. (111 mins.)
Director: David Cronenberg
“ Unlike other films about Hollywood & their stars, this film gives us darker cynic look at the glamorous industry! It shows how the actors are motivated by vanity & how their success can remove their heads from the shoulders! & no matter what they cant shake their depressing feelings through the use of drink, drugs, sex and spiritualism. The movie begins with the introduction of Agatha (Mia Wasikowska), a disfigured burn victim who arrives in Hollywood, & tells the limo driver Jerome (Rob Pattinson - in a small but important role) that she is here to help Carrie Fisher write a novel. She also tells Jerome she is visiting family but doesn't go in to details, she seems more interested in sight seeing and visiting celebrity homes such as the previous home of child star Benjie Weiss (Evan Bird), a foul mouthed 13 year old star of the 'Bad Babysitter' franchise. We also learn that Benjie is a recovering drug addict - a typical Hollywood child star. Through her mutual friend Carrie fisher, Agatha starts working for Havana (Julianne Moore) as her PA. Havana has issues (what Hollywood fading celebrity doesn't?) who pops pharmaceutical pills daily; she desperately wants the main role in a remake of a movie her mother was in years ago when she was young and beautiful; while at times she also hallucinates her dead mother played by Sarah Gadon. Finally you Havana's unconventional therapist Dr Stafford and his wife Christina Weiss (John Cusack and Olivia Williams) the parents of Benjie. This film is full of wit, charm, and pure entertainment value. Definitely not for the faint of heart, but for those who love rich and layered characters, Cronenberg takes on Hollywood with zeal and humor. Some may classify the attempt as "mean," but no different from other films who use black comedy to show broader message. The cast here bring in their top form to seal the deal. Julianne Moore is brilliantly unhinged and crude as Havana Segrand, this is without doubt the actress's best performance till date! Evan Bird is very good as Benjie, a child star who is often obnoxious but really a product of his clearly unhealthy environment. His language is so gratuitous that it was almost comical, especially when expressing his unashamed contempt for the people working around him. I suppose he was hard to take seriously owing to his elongated neck and small height. Mia Wasikowska is brilliant as the creepy yet delightful burn victim Agastha! This actress has been slowly steadily climbing the ladder, she has already won a fan in me! John Cusack is also well cast as Stafford Weiss, the self-help charlatan father of Benjie who is made very creepy by Cusack's dark, dead eyes and blank expression. His wife is Christina (Olivia Williams), a woman bereft of any charisma who spends much of her time posturing anxiously with a cigarette in her hand. Robert Pattinson's character Jerome Fontana, a shy limo driver with ambitions of being an actor/screenwriter, is strictly a small role. In a film full of freaks, Jerome is the ordinary, simple Hollywood wannabe, the one with which we can most relate to. Director David Cronenberg has given us a poetic & a mad film to look by, easily his best effort since A History of Violence (2005). On the whole Maps to the Stars is well orchestrated and symbolic film that stands as one of the year's best films mainly due to Julianne Moore's outstanding performance. ” - saadforever890
Snowpiercer (2013)
Set in a future where a failed climate-change experiment kills all life on the planet except for a lucky few who boarded the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, where a class system emerges. (126 mins.)
Director: Bong Joon Ho
“ Marking the English language debut of one my favorite Korean director Joon-ho Bong (Mother, The Host, Memoirs Of A Murder) this film is a true masterpiece, which will be remembered for generations as the best post apocalyptic film ever made! More than 120 minutes long, this film does not have even a single dull moment! Yes, I agree the violence is a bit much for English language audience, but blah who cares. Chris Evans, Hats off to you for selecting this movie & giving it your best performance till date. Kang-ho Song, Korean star also has an important well sketched supporting role.The story was challenging and bold, the acting was astounding, the CG was exquisite, and the build up throughout the movie was subtle and unnoticeable. This movie will blow you away. Snowpiercer has depth, an uniquely innovative quality, and a daring message. ” - saadforever890
Godzilla (2014)
The world's most famous monster is pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence. (123 mins.)
Director: Gareth Edwards
“ I have seen a couple of Godzilla movies (Yep, their are around 30 films!) including the idiotic 98 version, but by far Gareth Edwards has created best one yet! Anyone who saw Gareth's earlier film 'Monsters' knows how impressive it was and how inspirational this person has become, going from a low-budget debut to a massive scale movie like this but what's even more impressive is his admirable restraint in visual effects with extremely high-budget and resources. Unlike the previous films, which were usually made on a wafer thin plot, this one has a more humane story, which at times makes it really believable in the current world, the film is dark, broody & clearly builds the whole film around one thing: Anticipation! Well having said that, yes the film does has its issues especially the actor named Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who looks like an overgrown Kick Ass, but instead just fails! & yes their are a couple of more issues, which I really cant indulge in without giving out the spoilers, so no ways! Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe & Elizabeth Olsen play their parts well. Overall Godzilla is a truly powerful monster film. Its an awesome, satisfying film made by a "small" director with a great eye for detail & perspective & makes sure the film caters to people looking for an intriguing storyline or just a mind blowing blockbuster! Recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Predestination (2014)
The life of a time-traveling Temporal Agent. On his final assignment, he must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time. (97 mins.)
“ This is one of those rare incredibly original and creative films, which employ what may seem like 'common' aspects of the science-fiction genre, and put a darker, grimmer twist on them. This film uses decidedly odd pacing, beginning with a 'bang' and following that up with almost an hour of subdued plot. But oddly enough, these moments of -almost- pure dialogue and occasional flashbacks never become boring, but rather deepen the film's characters and their back-stories. Although the first scene is action packed, not much is understood as to the who's and why's. After that, and for only a few minutes, the movie seemed slow and without direction. Soon after it becomes intriguing, suspenseful, and where the direction of the film is going (although not yet understood). The Directors were able to clearly explain the unexplainable at the very end of the movie. One of the best things about this film was that when I thought it was going in one direction, it took a hard right hand turn. Not many movies make me doubt myself like that. The direction was clean and solid, the cinematography was immaculate, and the special and visual effects were outstanding. Everything about the look of the film was perfect. Ethan Hawke plays a character without a name, a time-traveling agent for a secret agency that uses their ability to transport to specific dates as an opportunity to stop crime. Hawke's character is on the tail end of his career. And on his final assignment, he is tasked with stopping the "Fizzle Bomber", a terrorist that exploded a bomb in New York City in 1975 that killed over 11,000 citizens. He had an even chance to stop the bomber once before but failed and now after a recuperating after his final jump, he jumps from 1960's through the 70's, 80's and 90's to achieve his final objective. The cast performances are what really make this movie 'shine'. Ethan Hawke, as usual, delivers an almost flawless performance as the unnamed lead, and Sarah Snook, an Australian newcomer, surprises with her wide range of acting abilities. She is outstanding in a complex and demanding role that has rightly grabbed the attention of Hollywood. Ethan Hawke has worked with the Spierig Brothers before with 2009's Daybreakers, an average tale of vampires in a futuristic world, but with Predestination, the collaborative efforts of the brothers along with Hawke & Snook has resulted in a brilliant time travel science fiction film that betters Rian Johnson's Looper in its vision and execution. Predestination is a surprisingly original, daring, and genre-bending making it a must watch for anyone who enjoys a mind bending, soul imploding film. ” - saadforever890
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. (102 mins.)
Director: Dean DeBlois
“ It wont be wrong to say How To Train Your Dragon 2 does nothing but improve and top the first one by being better in every department! From the characters, to the brilliant voice cast to the drama, to the action, to the comedy, this film does what any sequel should do by stepping up its predecessor in every way possible, and respects its audience enough not to shy away from its darker and more dramatic content, but still remain viewable and entertaining for all audiences. All in all, Dreamworks Animation, is truly becoming a contender for Disney's crown (which they have hold on for decades), have created a stupendous film, surely capturing all ages and leaving them reeling for another. 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' is an emotionally resonant and heartfelt flick that expands upon the story of Hiccup and Toothless and their connection. With swooping and stunning visuals and epic animated set pieces, this is a sequel to remember! ” - saadforever890
The Lego Movie (2014)
An ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophesied 'Special', is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis. (100 mins.)
“ I happened to attend the premiere of one of the best animated films of all time!!!Its delightfully, witty, energetic & poke a whole lot of fun at many franchises & pop culture events! This engaging flick manages to create a sense of wonder for everybody especially during the last 20 minutes when the colourful attire turns towards a dark gritty approach! This film will be remembered & praised like Pixar films for many generations to come for its brilliant CGI, voice acting (especially Will Arnett as Batman) & superb story telling! Don't miss this!! ” - saadforever890
22 Jump Street (2014)
After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt and Jenko when they go deep undercover at a local college. (112 mins.)
“ This is without doubt the funniest movie of 2014!! Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum provide a great double act and the film provides just the right amount of slapstick humour combined with witty banter and the serious side of undercover police work. Agreed they are a lot of gay jokes, but still they are hilarious!!! If you liked the original you will definitely love this one as it has more comedy, more sexiness,more kick- ass action & more Ice Cube!! Tatum is excellent as the slowest of the pair, proving he's a very good comedian, both physically and delivering some of the funniest lines in the movie, and his partner, Hill in his usual multidimensional geek fully forms a perfect whole with the physical and sweet jock turn by Tatum. & yes do not miss the end credits, where we have some popular actors showing up & slideshow of hilarious potential sequels!! Personally I loved this sequel, it has tons of laughs, and great exploding action! I highly recommend 22 JUMP STREET!!! ” - saadforever890
Big Hero 6 (2014)
The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. (102 mins.)
Director: Don HallChris Williams
“ The year 2014 has been a bit dismal for animated films! With some high profile sequels (How To Train Your Dragon 2, RIO 2) disappointing, while the good ones (Mr Peabody & Sherman) under performing, The LEGO Movie (which exactly doesn't count as an animated film) is probably the only one managed to succeed both critically & commercially, & now as the year is closing to an end, just like last year (Frozen), Disney decides to launch another juggernaut into the theaters to satisfy the thirst of families & movie goers in general, by adapting the next best thing, a superhero hero team from Marvel! Disney has introduced to us a nonperforming anime Marvel series, with a bunch of obscure characters that even the most well known of comics reader dint know about! It seems Marvel has given Disney the liberty to change the characters accordingly to fit into a Disney Animation Film scenario. And the result is simply refreshing! By showcasing how much animation has become. The east and west coast mash up of San Fransokyo combines to make such a spectacular scenery, that the city may as well be a character to the film. The cast is also fun to watch, instead of shoving a diversity of characters in your face, they are made more likeable & relate able. Of course the star of the film is the robot - Baymax. Any scene that he is in steals the show, whether it is his introduction or his care for Hiro and Company or his innocent hysterics. The problem with this film is that it does not push the genre in any new or novel direction, unless you count giving your characters Japanese names a step towards globalization. It seems they have decided to take the best and worst things about Disney and Marvel, and cram them into one movie! On the whole this may seem like an another cliche filled superhero movie, but in case you are looking for a fun filled, action packed movie that will delight boys and girls of all ages, Big Hero 6 is the most worth watching animated film of 2014! ” - saadforever890
John Wick (2014)
An ex-hitman comes out of retirement to track down the gangsters that took everything from him. (101 mins.)
Director: Chad Stahelski
“ This film is clearly an addition to the now days series "Bring a 90s star turn him into a bad ass & hunt down Russian gangsters" & like the others before this film is awesome!!Here, Keanu Reeves plays an ex hit man/ recent widower who gets carjacked by Russians & kill his dog. This events lead to a road down a dark & fun mindless action movie! This may sounds like a terrible film on paper & even give a Straight-to -Video type of feel, but with the slickness of Keanu Reeves' performance as the titular character and the sheer brilliance in its action sequences, this marks this film as one of the best action movies of the year. It is briskly paced, brilliantly shot and meticulously choreographed and keeps you wanting more and more. Reeves literally emulates cool in this film and does it with such confidence. The supporting cast filled with the likes of John Legiuzamo, Ian McShane, Adrianne Palicki and Willen Dafoe also keep this film very interesting. Every character is more ruthless than the next and pushes John Wick to be more ruthless than they are, creating a very cool dynamic between the character and the plot regarding the idea of how far is too far! However, don't expect some revelation from John Wick regarding the morality of bad and evil. This film wants you entertained and does so with brute force, it never lets up, not even for a second. Overall, John Wick is slick, violent fun that turns into a remarkable, surprising film that will catch you off guard. I highly recommend this film to action buffs especially but I'm sure those who just like a good movie will love it as well. ” - saadforever890
'71 (2014)
A young and disoriented British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast in 1971. (99 mins.)
Director: Yann Demange
“ Set against the complex backdrop of the beginnings of Northern Ireland in 1971 this is an extremely well made thriller. Sent into the front-line urban warfare, Hook's regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Armitage (Sam Reid) is quickly bombarded with a small public outrage. Then quickly followed by one of the most realistic, violent and dramatic riots that has ever appeared in film. The story of a young soldier Gary Hook recently deployed to Northern Ireland who finds himself out of his dept when going on his first patrol thanks to the incompetence of his CO (Sam Reid) & soon separated from his unit and lost in a city he doesn't know he's forced in a fight for survival as a lone-wolf in the devilish-toned IRA hostile territory as its hard to tell who is friend and who is foe in this extremely well written piece of drama. All quickly intensifies to an incredible Bourne-style chase through the streets of terror; what with the cars alight at each corner, crisp cinematography - everything feels authentic. The plot was not confined to the story of a lone soldier lost in a strange and hostile city, but luckily went a few steps further by bringing up the topic of good versus bad and who to trust if someone is offering to help. You never knew which side someone is on, and whether there is a hidden agenda or not, in spite of showing interest in your well being and offering to help you out of a situation you can impossibly cope up with. The main action takes place among the dim streets & the dull creepy looking concrete blocks of 'social' housing, all washed with rain and lit by the eerie glow of neon street-lights. The writer here has taken care not to paint one side entirely good or bad and that is how it was. Wounded and armed with nothing but a knife Hook has enemies closing in from all sides as the film draws to a bloody climax. The camera-work is also quite brilliant; for example, as Hook staggers and stumbles through the streets the camera staggers and stumbles with him, carrying us right into the action. Everything combines to yield an absolutely convincing depiction of human lives reduced to something 'nasty, brutish and short'. Led by Jack O'Connell (Starred Up, 300 Rise of An Empire), his performance is uncanny & relate able. Co-starring alongside, Sean Harris and Paul Anderson play undercover superiors, yet are as corrupt as Bad Lieutenant. It's also the feature debut of Yann Demange who handles the material, while paying homage to Paul Greengrass. He has crafted the thriller elements superbly in such a way, the audience is forced to indulge the proceedings taking place. On the whole the best thing about '71 is on point as everything is there for a reason, and it shows on screen & Jack O'Connell prospers and carries the film even when it is unneeded and secures it as one of this year's best shocking, gripping and captivating thrillers. ” - saadforever890
The Guest (2014)
A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their home, a series of accidental deaths seem to be connected to his presence. (99 mins.)
Director: Adam Wingard
“ I was lucky enough to attend the special screening of this brilliant action horror thriller from the director & writer of You're Next (2011). Entertaining throughout, the film moves at an ideal pace starting of with the formations and later development of a relationship between the lead & other characters following it up with an insane finale. Director Adam Wingard dares to use a predictable plot & manages to keep it different, humorous & intense. He has taken everything you know about the action, horror, and thriller genres and blend them together into a tasty and compelling concoction. The film relies completely on Dan Stevens, literally the soul of this film. He trips you on a roller-coaster ride of emotions as you get to know his character and re-discover him all in the span of around 99 minutes. Stevens does all this with steely charm and commanding eyes that have a sort of mesmerizing effect on whoever he's interacting with while (as the audience) rooting for him whether he does a good or a bad. Maika Monroe, Brendan Meyer, Leland Orser & Lance Reddick provide good supporting performances. Overall The Guest is a simple minded thriller with enough humor & shock to keep you hooked on a thrill ride from start to the finish line courtesy of Dan Stevens. Must Watch!! ” - saadforever890
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Autobots must escape sight from a bounty hunter who takes control of the human serendipity: Unexpectedly, Optimus Prime and his remaining gang turn to a mechanic and his daughter for help. (165 mins.)
Director: Michael Bay
“ Well, I love the Transformers movies (Revenge of The Fallen not so much though!) & don't mind Michael Bay movies once in a while, having said that Yes!! Age of Extinction has one of the most silliest plots seen in recent times, but does this make semi reboot/sequel not worth a watch!! No Way!! This film is one of the amazing & delicious visual spectacle seen in recent times!! What can you possibly expect from a film directed by Michael Bay? Explosions, mindless action, hot girls (not counting Shia Le Bouf :P) this film has it all. This may be the 1st Transformer movie were Human characters are as good as the alien machines. Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Stanley Tucci & Kelsey Grammer (One bad ass villain) are instantly likeable characters. Other than the usual Autobots & Decepticons we had a great villain this time in form of Lockdown!! I never cared for Megatron (yeah he is kinda back as Galvatron), the Fallen or Sentinel Prime, Lockdown is the best one yet!! The Dinobots don't have much to do here, they appear only in the last 15-20minutes. Overall the action sequences though and cinematography are this films holy grail. Really it's why we love these films. This isn't as much an action film as it is an action experience. You will feel honestly like you're in there battling alongside these transformers. You'll feel the effects of each battle scene in BRILLIANT, I mean MAGNIFICENT eye popping 3D glory. You'll not want any scene to be over and I am not exaggerating here. Do yourself a favor, if you only see one Imax 3D movie this summer, let it be this one. ” - saadforever890
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
When a kingpin threatens New York City, a group of mutated turtle warriors must emerge from the shadows to protect their home. (101 mins.)
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
“ If you are a 80s or a 90s kid the main feeling you get while watching this film is Nostalgia! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a fun summer movie that did a great job of staying in the spirit of the original turtles with a modern twist (which I really loved). The turtles were funny and the movie is action packed. The final hour of the film is every bit as action packed as any of Bay's films. It has great action, has a lightly dark tone, but makes up for it with comic relief and one-liners by the turtles especially Michelangelo. Among the four Raphael & Micky get more screen time. Among the human characters Megan Fox's has surprisingly done a good job of playing April O Niel, Will Arnett's character has its moments but on a whole the character is quite confused, personally I am big fan of William Fichtner (from his Prison Break days) & is awesome as the antagonist Sacks (so much better than the Shredder) . Well of course such kind of movie have their cons as well; being a turtle fan I hated the Shredder from his character designs to his portrayal! The so called upgrade looks more like Megatron (Transformers), Sacks was better character any day! Same goes for the design of Splinter, instead of a rat he looks more like donkey :P, luckily Tony Shaloub has done a fine job in the voice department. Director Jonathan Liebesman never lets up the momentum in this runaway action thriller. The new Ninja Turtles are even more differentiated than their predecessors. They stand six feet tall. They still crave pizza, but they have been updated and their abilities ramped up far and away beyond what they could achieve before this reboot. If you grew up with the cartoon series or love the concept, you'll love TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! ” - saadforever890
Maleficent (2014)
A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. (97 mins.)
Director: Robert Stromberg
“ I'm not a Disney Fan. I never cared for the Princess themed films. I never understood why the Queen in Snow White or Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty were at all threatened in beauty or charm or intellect by the youth in each film, I always had the expression, like why??. But this dark gritty version of a fairy tale more on the lines (at times better) of Alice in Wonderland (2010) & way superior from the horrible Snow white & the Huntsman (2012). The story is sophisticated enough to delight adult audiences with a brilliant take on the beloved tale with a delightful twist including the meaning of true love. The characters are sympathetic and there is enough excitement making this film a visual classic. Angelina Jolie is just awesome, she has clearly put her heart and soul into making this film. Elle Fanning seemed as if she was born for this part. Sharlto Copley is amazing as the paranoid king, I am happy to see the King finally getting a proper role other than being just a by stander. Maleficent is an enchanting and wonderful film that shows good stories and great ideas do exist and can still spark your heart with joy as it is destined to become a classic. Recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Begin Again (2013)
A chance encounter between a disgraced music-business executive and a young singer-songwriter new to Manhattan turns into a promising collaboration between the two talents.(104 mins.)
Director: John Carney
“ I'm not usually into musicals or music based films, the attractive cast & the splendid reviews is what got me into watching this, frankly I was glad, as director John Carney has given me one of the best feel good movies I have ever seen! The actors just nail it, Keira Knightley & Mark Ruffalo are just great! Their characters are interesting & sympathetic, as you enjoy every moment their on screen. Adam Levine (Maroon 5) was a huge surprise, he should take up more acting roles. The film may be of the romantic comedy genre, but the heart lies in the music, from the soundtrack to the original performances, just epic! The way they bring the performances and the creative process to life - the pain, the joy, the failures and triumphs - is just thrilling. This is the kind of film which inspires you to get creative & innovative. In a whole, Begin Again is an intelligent, entertaining, warm and exciting, definitely a refresh break from action blockbusters. ” - saadforever890
Wish I Was Here (2014)
A struggling actor, father and husband finds himself at a major crossroad, which forces him to examine his life, his family and his career. (106 mins.)
Director: Zach Braff
“ I am a huge Zach Braff fan, I have seen all 10 seasons of Scrubs all over thrice!! I haven't seen his earlier film Garden State (Im so gonna watch that now). While watching, I couldn't help but realize how this film carried the humor & emotional depth of the TV sitcom. Zach Braff has created a beautiful movie, something realistic that many can relate to (I definitely did). I have no idea why people would give this such a low rating, even if it's not your cup of tea you can not deny the movie of what it deserves, it is a great film. The performances were great, especially by Mandy Patinkin who just BLEW me away (He made me cry like a baby), Kate Hudson, Joey King & Josh Gad also do well. We have some wonderful cameos by Jim Parson, James Avery, Michael Weston, Ashley Greene & his Scrubs buddy Donald Faison. Wish I was Here is a movie that may not be for everyone due to its deep and what could be deemed as somber subject matter but for anyone who loves a movie of soul searching and self realisation then this is up there with the best. I highly recommend this movie for anyone who is a Zach Braff fan and wants to go out for a movie that is an emotional roller coaster with great visuals, solid acting and of course the great comedy of Zach Braff. ” - saadforever890
The Giver (2014)
In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world. (97 mins.)
Director: Phillip Noyce
“ This film is being compared to Hunger Games & Divergent & judging by the trailers, they do look the same, but except the dystopian future setting nothing is! In fact The Giver has much more depth then those two. The fact that this movie makes you rethink all the things we have that we take for granted like family, love, life, and in this case even color. The movie was so good I caught myself tearing up at some parts. There were so many powerful "chilling" moments, particularly with the portrayal of the memories. The contrast of the sensory-rich memories of the past with the colorless and boring Utopian community is what brought real depth to the film. My favorite aspect was the slow transition from black-and-white to vivid colors. My only true complaint about the movie is that it was too short. I didn't want it to end. Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges were perfect as always, but this film belongs to Brenton Thwaites (Occulus, The Signal) he is a revelation with the right kind of roles we have a star in the making. Katie Holmes, Odeya Rush and Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd showed flawless acting in their supporting roles as well. This brilliant novel adaption by Philip Noyce, with its superb cinematography, appealing music, awesome cast makes The Giver one hell of a tasty treat. ” - saadforever890
Paddington (2014)
A young Peruvian bear travels to London in search of a home. Finding himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he meets the kindly Brown family, who offer him a temporary haven. (95 mins.)
Director: Paul King
“ As a growing up kid with the love for reading (staying near a library helped alot), I did stumble upon this talking bear who wears a red hat & blue coat about twice or thrice, mainly the upon insistence of my dad, in order to prevent me from the usual DC/Marvel comic books I use to pick up. Back in 2007, when the film was first announced, I was generally confused about the direction the film would take, & having seen other animated kid friendly characters turning into live action disasters such as Alvin & The Chipmunks series (Even though the 1st wasn't all that bad, the sequels oh god no!), The Smurfs, Marmaduke, Garfield etc, made me more reluctant and hesitant as to what I was due to view; Colin Firth's dropping from the project added to my concerns. To my joy, the film was very far from a disaster! Indeed, its one of the most delightful family films I have seen in a while. The story begins in Darkest Peru, where a young bear (voiced perfectly by Ben Whishaw) lives happily with his Aunt Lucy (Imelda Staunton) and Uncle Pastuzo (Michael Gambon). He inherits from them a healthy love for marmalade and London, as well as a floppy, red felt hat left behind decades ago by English explorer Montgomery Clyde. When an earthquake destroys their idyllic home, Aunt Lucy urges her nephew to strike out to London. Many jars of marmalade later, he finds himself in the iconic train station that gives him his name. He meets the Brown family: risk- averse Henry (Hugh Bonneville), lovely Mary (Sally Hawkins) and their children, Judy (Madeleine Harris) and Jonathan (Samuel Joslin). With Henry insisting that Paddington can only stay while he looks for a more permanent home, the bear begins investigations in London - unaware that Millicent, an obsessive, crazy taxidermist (Nicole Kidman), has very specific reasons for wanting him to visit her museum while enlisting help of the Brown family's weird neighbor Mr Curry (Peter Capaldi). The CGI representation of our titular bear is wonderfully delightful. His expressions and mannerisms are spot on. Strictly speaking, there isn't anything all that new or original about Paddington. We've seen the trope many times before - in trying to find a new home, a misfit changes the hearts and minds of the people who will eventually become his family. The narrative of the film is also little more than a patchwork of wacky accidents: the bathroom flooding scene; apprehension of a pick pocket; the infiltrate the top-secret Geographers' Guild. And yet, King has crafted something quite charming and magical around the bare bones of his story. He has updated and deepened the story to give the elder Browns their own emotional arc rather than just focusing on the bear. Most importantly, King has infused the entire film with joyous strains of comedy, slight gags, wit & parodies of other works. The sharp script and stunning visuals would mean little without an accomplished cast - Hugh Bonneville & Sally Hawkins are the soul of the film, its pretty clear they were enjoying themselves enormously. However, Nicole Kidman is the ultimate scene stealer. Her good looks & maniac performance reminds us how an actress can still remain wonderful even after so many years despite a string of flops. Peter Capaldi (Doctor Who) gets his own hilarious moments as well. Director Paul King has given us a story that is simple and easy to follow, but full of momentum. The characters are all well-drawn, sympathetic, and well played. On the whole 'Paddington' is a very well-executed adaptation of the titular bear for a 21st century audience. Its a perfect family friendly film which is heart-warming and humorous without being too over-sentimental. It doesn't matter whether you're a fan of the books, or someone who knew only the cuddly soft toy or the animated escapades, Paddington is a big, warm bear hug of a film, that will surely delight fans of all ages. ” - saadforever890
Oculus (2013)
A woman tries to exonerate her brother, who was convicted of murder, by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon. (104 mins.)
Director: Mike Flanagan
“ Oculus is a slow burn psychological horror film which uses its brilliant screenplay to mess with your minds other than using unnecessary gore & shameless CGI. The disjointed story telling along with the wonderful cast into a mix of flashbacks form a coherent, complex & one of the most engaging stories told. Overall, Oculus is the best horror movie since The Conjuring, and it certainly will be remembered as one of the best psychologically disturbing films ever made. ” - saadforever890
Neighbors (2014)
After they are forced to live next to a fraternity house, a couple with a newborn baby do whatever they can to take them down. (97 mins.)
Director: Nicholas Stoller
“ Seth Rogen has again managed to make me laugh till I was in tears. Neighbors is unrealistic and over the top, with debate able things of happening in possibly the most hilarious ways possible. Seth Rogen as always is awesome & its good to see Zac Efron shaking off his High School Musical image blowing away into a comedy especially the dance off, just hilarious. Lisa Kudrow & Dave Franco are great in their supporting parts. The biggest surprise was Rose Byrne (Insidious & The Conjuring) , who thought she could be so funny!!She gives Seth Rogan a run for his money and their chemistry is uproariously funny, bitter sweet and absolutely unforgettable. If you are looking for a good laugh, silly jokes with talented likable actors, "Neighbors" is the movie you are looking for. Don't miss it! ” - saadforever890
Horrible Bosses 2 (2014)
Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme. (108 mins.)
Director: Sean Anders
“ Horrible Bosses (2011) was probably one of the best comedies of this decade. And to make a sequel to loveable film is a hard task. But worry not! The sequel has nailed it!! Its exactly what I was hoping for — a fun, great, laugh out loud movie to step away from reality a bit and hang out with some of the most comic actors of our time. You don't need to see Horrible Bosses to understand or enjoy the sequel. It seemed to just be a fun movie to make. When you can feel genuine chemistry on the screen it plays out for the audience. Simply put, it's just good comedy with a well written script acted by a group of folks who really seem to enjoy each other. This time our guys find themselves involves in a kidnapping plot, where unlike other comedies the laughs are embroiled into the plot! Just like 22 Jump Street, this is what a studio comedy feels like, a film I feel is as much on par, getting the same level of fresh laughs. I just love a good comedy, enough to subject myself to the long shot of an enjoyable sequel. The formula in HB2 is they take the brilliant dynamic of the guys, bring back the hilarious side characters and up the stakes with some new blood. This film has quotability, re- watch ability and with any luck a fun filled franchise that can continue to generate great laughs. Or know when to quit when its ahead. Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis played their characters incredibly convincing, while sharing their brilliant chemistry, its quite evident how much fun they are having especially while playing out the stupid moments. They are joined by some familiar faces, Jennifer Aniston (Drop dead gorgeous & naughty), Kevin Spacey (Outrageously hilarious) and Jamie Foxx (Get this ultimate laughable character a solo movie already!) as well as some new characters played by Chris Pine (crazy & so funny) and Christoph Waltz (neat!). Bateman, Sudeikis and Day show us they are a comedy trio as strong as the original Stooges. Yet they have the endurance to push it to a second film and with any luck, beyond. On the whole Horrible Bosses 2 is as funny as the first one, if not funnier! Unlike most movies now days the film has quotability, re- watch ability and with any luck a fun filled franchise that can continue to generate great laughs. ” - saadforever890
Lucy (2014)
A woman, accidentally caught in a dark deal, turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic. (89 mins.)
Director: Luc Besson
“ Lucy is one of the most weirdest yet most exciting film I have ever seen! It starts of a Limitless (2011) inspired thriller & slowly turns into an visually appealing science fiction thriller. Most of its screen time is taken by the fast moving action scenes and the display of super human abilities. However, despite its unscientific claim (10% of brain power) and somewhat shallow dialogue, there are moments in Lucy, where the script taps into really moving understanding of human condition. I guess these bits and pieces push the movie to a whole different level. The acting performances in this film are completely incredibly. Scarlett Johansson starts as a naive and shy lady that slowly becomes a clever heroine in a credible manner. Morgan Freeman only has a smaller role in this movie but he simply convinces for being there because he is credible in his role as a clever scientist and has a lot of charisma (as usual) & he kinda reminds of his role in Transcendence (2011). The ruthless main villain is portrayed by the incredible Choi Min-Sik who is one of my favorite Korean actors ever and it's great to finally see him in a Western movie where his incredible talents get some more attention. It may not be as good as it could have been, but it is very far from the catastrophic mess many critics make it out to be. As far as I'm concerned, 'Lucy' is a fun, crazy ride from start to finish with minor glitches here and there, still watch it!!! ” - saadforever890
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
With the 70s behind him, San Diego's top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy, returns to take New York's first 24-hour news channel by storm. (119 mins.)
Director: Adam McKay
“ This has to be the most absurd, outrageous, hilarious & offensive comedy I have ever seen!! It is rare for a sequel to a hit comedy to come along and be as funny as its predecessor, but "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" manages to go the extra mile and excel above the original's humor. I found the jokes this time around to be a lot more funny and quotable. Despite the humor, its surprising to see how they raised fingers on some of current issues of Journalism. Will Ferrell does what he does best here being over the top, with full support from Paul Rudd, Steve Carell & David Koechner. And ooh my the cameo's we get in the climax here is bigger & better!! Loved this!! ” - saadforever890
Camp X-Ray (2014)
A soldier assigned to Guantanamo Bay befriends a man who has been imprisoned there for three years. (117 mins.)
Director: Peter Sattler
“ Even though after watching her in a couple of Twilight films & Snow White, I cant believe I am gonna say this Kristen Stewart is awesome in this film!! I was completely surprised by the detailed subject matter of the infamous Guantanamo Bay, while expecting a political message as the underlying theme, it actually turned out to be a study of humanity and relationships within extreme circumstances. Director Peter Sattler makes an impressive! The film can be monotonous at times and has a slightly flawed script, but thanks to its two leads wonderful performances and beautiful cinematography, it overcomes this.Stewart revives her pre-Twilight glory days as Private Amy Cole, and makes us believe in a brighter future for the teen icon. Sattler knows her limitations, strengths, and puts them both to stunning use. Emotionally charged, Stewart may have delivered her finest performance yet, even one of the best by an actress this year. Camp X-Ray is a quiet, small yet very intense film. Peyman Moaadi compliments her with an excellent performance as well, with the right amount of emotion, humor & intensity, he is a total delight to watch. Both actors do justice to the storyline and these complex characters without building caricatures of military and extremist personalities.While Camp X-Ray treats its subject lightly and stays apolitical, it works. Kristen Stewart and Peyman Moaadi's performances are what make this more than watchable. ” - saadforever890
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
When New York is put under siege by Oscorp, it is up to Spider-Man to save the city he swore to protect as well as his loved ones. (142 mins.)
Director: Marc Webb
“ The rebooted 2011 version was unfairly shrugged off by the critics & a section audience, but hats off to the genius Marc Webb, and gives fans what they have longed for an exciting, mesmerizing and pulse- pounding adventure one that stays true to the comics.The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a jam packed film with many characters & sub plots who appear to be too bloated at times, but who cares as far Sony is ready to provide us an own Spider-man Universe. Andrew Garfield (who is by far the greatest Spidey and Peter Parker) and Emma Stone light up the screen with their meaningful and charismatic chemistry ensuring that sometimes two people talking can be just as exciting as watching the action unfold. Jamie Foxx as Electro gives a career changing performance & man he is creepy! As expected its Dane DeHaan who steals the show in a short but more menacing Goblin.Paul Giamatti is almost a cameo as Rhino (Apparently more in TAS 3) The film undoubtedly has the most epic action sequences seen ever (Hear this Marvel Studios!). If you hated the last one, just watch this one anyways, its definitely better than the first one (even though the first one is brilliant). This movie definitely puts the amazing in The Amazing Spider-Man. Must Watch!! ” - saadforever890
Coherence (2013)
Strange things begin to happen when a group of friends gather for a dinner party on an evening when a comet is passing overhead. (89 mins.)
Director: James Ward Byrkit
“ This low budget science fiction thriller has to be the most intense, craziest & one of the best films (of the genre) I have ever seen!!! Suffice it to say, they took a current scientific idea (which even I used in my first short film) to its extreme. No one can imagine that superb thriller can be made in such a low budget. Great concept, great storyline, great script, great execution, as the script is so excellent, the movie lets you figure much out yourself. It never hits you over the head with the various elements it explores, instead allowing you to infer the meaning behind the scenes. As many are not happy with camera work (as its like found footage type), it wont bother you as movie progresses,in fact it increases curiosity. The acting done by the relatively unknown cast is the key to the whole thing, with some amazing performances by everyone, especially Emily Baldoni. Of course, many viewers of Coherence will be immediately put off by its blatantly low-budget feel and the naturalistic acting style. Others will likely be frustrated by the film's lack of an overt resolution and their inability to make much sense of the cerebral, metaphysical concepts that are presented. Coherence can be presented as an example of micro-budget film making, presenting a sci-fi tale infinitely more interesting than the majority of its infinitely higher-budgeted and effects-heavy blockbuster contemporaries Overall a stunning mind bender!! I think I am gonna watch it again!. ” - saadforever890
What If (2013)
Wallace, who is burned out from a string of failed relationships, forms an instant bond with Chantry, who lives with her longtime boyfriend. Together, they puzzle out what it means if your best friend is also the love of your life. (98 mins.)
Director: Michael Dowse
“ Daniel Radcliffe has been trying really hard from the past few years to shed off his past Harry Potter image, well with this romantic comedy, I think he finally has! The film is a perfect blend of romance & humor, witnessed earlier in films like 500 Days of Summer, When Harry met Sally etc. The script is really crisp & sharp as It combines several kinds of humor, from slapstick to witty. Director Michael Dowse balances all these humors well while also getting to the heart of the situation. The film has depth and mature conversations about romance and what to do when stuck in a love triangle. Well its the cast which runs this film, Zoe Kazan is funny & chirpy while sharing good chemistry with Radcliffe! Adam Driver is hilarious! & happens to steal be the scene stealer in most cases. I belief this film could not have been what it is without Daniel Radcliffe, from his in despicable comic timing to emotional scenes, he is just awesome! Overall What if aka The "F" Word is a gem. It's well written and acted and is able to balance many kinds of humors in order to please a wider audience. "What If" is a romantic comedy done right!! ” - saadforever890
Let's Be Cops (2014)
Two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party and become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted "heroes" get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.(104 mins.)
Director: Luke Greenfield
“ Let me just start by saying that this isn't an over the top blockbuster film like everyone seems to expect from every movie that comes out now. Seeing that this is a Wayans Brothers movie I wasn't sure if it would be too corny or just too offensive to tolerate. Once the predictable introduction of the two lead characters are over(the beginning of the movie really nails in the impression that the movie is terrible), about 15 minutes in, the film take us on a ride of constant hilarity and unexpected laughs. This film reminded me classic comedies in the vein of Beverly Hills Cop, Happy Gilmore, Something About Mary and even Anchorman. This is one of those really good comedies, where you will really laugh while even learn a lesson to value yourself the way you are and not to be scared to do things and go for it and believe that there is something for everyone. Damon Wayans, Jr. and Jake Johnson are just awesome. One of them is as wacky as they can be, pushing his friends to the limits of patience and never losing him or us. Jake Johnson really sells the image of a guy just looking for any kind of change in his life and Damon Wayans Jr. is and actor that really puts a lot of work into whatever role he is in. While Damon Wayans Jr, finally gets his over long due from a movie, which uses his comic timing to the very best! Their comic timing & great on-screen chemistry runs like a clockwork and they seem to be completely at ease in their roles as charming losers who take "cops and robbers" to a whole new level. Funny as hell and casing a memorable bromance. Nina Dobrev looks really pretty & should take up more big screen roles. Andy Garcia is likeable in a cameo. On The whole Lets be Cops is a fake Buddy- Cop film which is filled with corny, random, outrageous moments & has almost everything you look in a comedy now days action, very funny moments, valuable message, great actors, great plot, constantly flowing. Long and short of it, you'll have a good time watching it. ” - saadforever890
Deliver Us from Evil (2014)
New York police officer Ralph Sarchie investigates a series of crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest, schooled in the rites of exorcism, to combat the possessions that are terrorizing their city. (118 mins.)
Director: Scott Derrickson
“ A lot of horror movies are being released this year some look promising & the rest seem to offer the usual scare fest with nothing innovative. Deliver Us from Evil delivers the usual scares but in the most innovative & creepiest ways possible in the form of a crime film. It keeps you interested and on the edge of your seat the whole time. Not to many slow parts and there are some pretty creepy and terrifying moments. The excessive use of dim lights & torches, the tone and the dark hallways and dark basements and the creepy noises and the sudden jumps and scares will make you jump a few times yourself. Eric Bana & Édgar Ramírez form a great duo & its fun watching them solve every puzzle. I was surprised to see Joel McHale (Community) here & gets to deliver as the comic relief. Sean Harris is just so horrifyingly awesome! Scott Derrickson proved he has a great nack for horror movies with Sinister (2012) but with this film he just does a very commendable job!! Deliver Us From Evil is a supernatural horror that packs suspense and scares throughout the entire movie, utilizing the art of creepiness with the surprise scares mixed in, horror movies fans are going to love this!! ” - saadforever890
The Judge (2014)
Big city lawyer Hank Palmer returns to his childhood home where his father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder. Hank sets out to discover the truth and, along the way, reconnects with his estranged family. (141 mins.)
Director: David Dobkin
“ This is one of those rare films that tell a strong story without selling out to the usual Hollywood exaggerations. Firstly the trailer's advertised the film as it as a courtroom drama with some RDJ humor thrown in. But instead is more about the lead's struggle with his father and to accept where he came from. It's about identity, family, and all the messiness and contradictions of life, with a murder trial thrown in. The story itself is fairly clichéd. A lawyer (Robert Downey Jr) in the middle of a messy separation returns home for his mother's funeral. His estranged father (Robert Duvall) doesn't want anything to do with him. He rekindles romance with an old flame (Vera Farmiga). It's the performances though that make it engaging and stop it from potentially being just another dramedy out there. The film is beautifully directed by David Dobkin. There are many very funny moments as well as many touching moments between father and son, brother and brother to keep the tension of the court floating in a light air. The film does suffer from the classic issue of having too many subplots as a result running a bit too long for its own good. Yes, it took its time establishing characters and background of this family, it touched on a hint of a mystery and disease and death and love and despair and redemption. But was all that necessary? I am still not sure I have the answer to that. This movie is definitely worth sitting through for amazing performances by both Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall, who could both be up for Oscar nominations for their roles as the son and father, respectively. Their scenes are strong and emotional. Even though at times RDJ cant help himself but play the Tony Stark arc. There are also strong supporting performances from Vera Farmiga, Billy Bob Thornton, Dax Shepard, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Jeremy Strong. Nonetheless, "The Judge" is, above all, an audience's film, meaning that most people who shall see this film will, love it, and find themselves reflecting on life, their family, and themselves. Worth a watch. ” - saadforever890
Noah (2014)
A man is chosen by his world's creator to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world. (138 mins.)
Director: Darren Aronofsky
“ After watching this I realized the whole controversy surrounding this film. Well, to every Christian & Muslim, you must realize before watching this film. 'Noah', is not told from an ultra-conservative point of view. There are multiple parts that can clash with your own beliefs. When creation is explained in the movie. Nevertheless Darren Aronofsky has made a film which is absolutely stunning, with beautiful cinematography, outstanding performances from the whole cast (Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Ray Winstone etc) , and of course astounding special effects I haven't been so emotionally moved and intellectually stimulated from a movie for quite a while. It's not for the weak of heart!! After all, it's a story about genocide. But it is beautifully made. And, in my opinion, stays true to the Biblical account.. ” - saadforever890
300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy. (102 mins.)
Director: Noam Murro
“ This sequel is less powerful & less toned down in comparison to its predecessor, nevertheless it offers more in terms of gore, glory & epic battle sequences. Seriously this film has the best naval battle scenes ever witnessed!! Totally delicious!! Eva Green alone carries the film on her shoulders & without any doubt the star of the show!! This time..."this is Greece!!!" Must watch in cinemas, preferably 3D!! ” - saadforever890
Into the Storm (2014)
Storm trackers, thrill-seekers, and everyday townspeople document an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes touching down in the town of Silverton. (89 mins.)
Director: Steven Quale
“ Ignore the critics! How can you expect a film about huge tornadoes have a slick script! Into The Storm is a fantastic disaster movie! With awesome CG works which provides an extreme realistic view on a big screen as all the shots were absolutely fabulous. Well yeah the line of actors lead by Richard Armitage & Sarah Wayne Callies are likeable, but somehow we end up rooting for the tornadoes. The addition of Donk (Kyle Davis) and Reevis (Jon Reep) was, I think, unnecessary. They were just a bunch of jokers who managed to get close to the tornadoes with no sense of safety and kept rambling on about how they would become famous you tubers. I guess the film makers wanted a comedic element added, but this was a pretty serious topic and it just did not really feel like it fit. Into the storm is action packed throughout the movie. It was a hard movie to watch at some points. It maybe a little scary for some younger viewers. It starts of slow but then it picks up and becomes one of the best disaster movies we have seen in a while! ” - saadforever890
The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
Two teens, both who have different cancer conditions, fall in love after meeting at a cancer support group. (126 mins.)
Director: Josh Boone
“ Well being a guy I have never been into teenage romance based movies & the last time I saw one due to its financial success (Twilight :$) was a disaster!! This film is however different as its more of an emotional ride, alongside the feelings and attitudes towards life and love the two teens share, this movie is sure to make people move towards their tissue box (Yup hate to admit it!). Lead by an ensemble of actors who are amazingly sensitive in their portrayal of personalities and emotions especially the very talented young stars Shailene Woodley & Ansel Elgort. The direction, editing and cinematography was exceptional and overall, this movie is one of the best romantic comedies that have ever seen. I encourage everyone to go see this movie no matter what age you are and bring a packet of tissues as well, trust me you will need it!! Highly Recommended!!! ” - saadforever890
Lone Survivor (2013)
Marcus Luttrell and his team set out on a mission to capture or kill notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shah, in late June 2005. Marcus and his team are left to fight for their lives in one of the most valiant efforts of modern warfare. (121 mins.)
Director: Peter Berg
“ A disturbing dramatization of the notorious 2005 Navy SEAL operation that went horrifically bad!! The film has some of the best onscreen counter assault scenes ever seen along with some amazing cinematography. Kudos to Taylor Kitch, Emile Hirsch & Ben Foster for some amazing performances..truly a bunch of under rated actors!! But with no doubt its Mark Wahlberg who walks away arguably with one of his finest performance till date!! This is once heck of a movie!! ” - saadforever890
Need for Speed (2014)
Fresh from prison, a street racer who was framed by a wealthy business associate joins a cross country race with revenge in mind. His ex-partner, learning of the plan, places a massive bounty on his head as the race begins.. (132 mins.)
Director: Scott Waugh
“ Video games based movies are usually bad, well some are alright (Resident Evil & Silent Hill series), but guess what Need for Speed happens to be the best one out yet!! Having said that we should know not to expect character development, genius plot twists and memorable dialogues. This films delivers exactly what it set out to deliver. Need For Speed is different to any other racing movies (from what I have seen), whenever there was a car on screen (90% of the movie) I was on the edge of my seat. Amazing exotic cars, no CGI, genuine screaming engines, realistic speeds and no excessive gear changes. Aaron Paul does great in the lead role, it was sad to see a terrific actor Dominic Cooper underplay his role as the main antagonist. Definitely one of the best action films of 2014 & one of the most coolest movies out there!! ” - saadforever890
A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. (114 mins.)
Director: Scott Frank
“ Liam Neeson is awesome & yes he has nailed it again in this well crafted thriller!! Even though the initial plot is kinda of a cliche, but the intense & gritty setting of NYC manages to keep you hooked on for its nearly 120 minutes run time. People who are looking for a "Taken" type of film will be quite disappointed, as this more of "The Grey" kind of film, in other words, less action more crime drama. There’s a slight humor added well to the on going proceedings by Brian “Astro” Bradley which is sure to be lapped up by everyone. I wasn't particularly happy with David Harbour & Adam Thompson's portrayals as the killers, but the grisly glimpses into the killers’ barbaric methods in bits and pieces are sure to churn your stomach. The real winner of this film is the brilliantly crafted screenplay & gritty direction of Scott Frank. Overall A Walk Among the Tombstones is a grim, mournful, and often graphically violent detective drama, which may not appeal to everyone, but being a fan of the detective noir genre, oh please give more!! ” - saadforever890
The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
Three groups of people are trying to survive Purge Night, when their stories intertwine and are left stranded in The Purge try to survive the chaos and violence that occurs. (103 mins.)
Director: James DeMonaco
“ The Purge (2013) had a great plot, but ended up being a disappointment due to its shortcomings. while the sequel just beats down where the first film failed, Purge: Anarchy not only resolves, but also opens up a whole new realm of fear I had not strung together under the circumstances. The characters were all very well written, most of which were wildcards and constantly keeping the audience guessing.Frank Grillo (Captain America: Winter Soldier) has been having a good year, his great on screen presence just glorifies an action hero stuck in a situation. Such kind of films usually tend to be violent without being gratuitous. There were so many scenes that could have easily been bloody and gross, but they kept it conservative enough that it made you rely on your imagination, which often made the film much more horrifying. Unlike its prequel, Anarchy realizes its potential of a unique plot & delivers one hell of a thrill ride! Horror fans must watch!!! ” - saadforever890
Mr. Peabody & Sherman (2014)
The time-travelling adventures of an advanced canine and his adopted son, as they endeavor to fix a time rift they created.(92 mins.)
Director: Rob Minkoff
“ I was laughing throughout the film & had a blast! I loved the fact that Mr. Peabody, who is a dog, is way more clever than the humans he interacts with. I loved the father-son relationship between Mr. Peabody & his human kid, Sherman. Though this scenario could never happen in a million years, the makers of the movie make their relationship believable & emotional at the same time. I loved the idea of time travel in an animated film, which kind of makes it a sci-fi film, as well! The voice acting is the highlight of the movie. Ty Burrell, best known for portraying Phil Dunphy on the hit sitcom, Modern Family, is equally hilarious, sarcastic, goofy & endearing as Mr. Peabody. Max Charles is adorable as the innocent little kid, Sherman. Ariel Winter, also known for playing Alex Dunphy on Modern Family, is outstanding as the obnoxious & curious, Penny Peterson. Mr. Peabody & Sherman is a must watch for everyone who enjoys a darn good movie. ” - saadforever890
The November Man (2014)
An ex-CIA operative is brought back in on a very personal mission and finds himself pitted against his former pupil in a deadly game involving high level CIA officials and the Russian president-elect. (108 mins.)
Director: Roger Donaldson
“ Being a huge fan of the spy genre, there is no doubt I loved this movie!! With ex Bond Pierce Brosnan in the lead with a CIA conspiracy as the main plot whats not to love!! Yes the film does enter into cliche territory in some instances, but the thrilling screenplay & action sequences keeps you hooked on till the end credits roll in. Pierce Brosnan is excellent in his role, and the movie revolves around his dynamic performance with good, believable support from Luke Bracey. Good "spy thrillers" have intrigue, real-world characters who are self motivated and sometimes suspicious, and different viewpoints as the different sub plots unfold. This movie, thanks to Pierce, did a good job of creating all of these items in the right amount to tell a good story, while revealing some of his deeper emotions that tie the viewer to the character. Another important aspect is the cine-photography; beautiful cobblestone streets, interesting buildings and a good selection of cityscapes make this one well worth seeing on the big screen. It looks like its an age of 50+ stars (as ex CIA) kicking ass; Liam Neeson (Taken Series, Non Stop) & Kevin Costner (3 days to Kill) are doing it well, why not Brosnan. The November Man promise a spy flick with an old school feel. On that note the film definitely delivers. Pierce Brosnan is back in the spy game and he hasn't lost what it takes to save the world. Looking forward to the announced sequel! ” - saadforever890
3 Days to Kill (2014)
A dying CIA agent trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter is offered an experimental drug that could save his life in exchange for one last assignment. (117 mins.)
Director: McG
“ Luc Besson (Taken series) writes/produces another action/thriller which clearly had Liam Neeson as the lead during the scripting process. Nevertheless Kevin Costner plays an incredible bad ass who is struggling to reconnect with his family, and he plays it with such awesomeness.This film is highly entertaining as it manages to balance the intense action thriller and lighthearted family film perfectly. Amber Heard looks incredibly sexy, I can see her as a new Bond girl in the future. If you loved the first Taken(2009), then you'll love 3 Days to Kill! ” - saadforever890
Million Dollar Arm (2014)
A sports agent stages an unconventional recruitment strategy to get talented Indian cricket players to play Major League Baseball. (124 mins.)
Director: Craig Gillespie
“ Firstly I have no idea how baseball works, & this happens to be the 2nd movie (after Money Ball) about the sport which i truly enjoyed! Yes being a Disney film, it was predictable etc but the sheer motion of how the story unfolds is a delight to watch. The characters are well developed and the scenes in India provide just the right background for what these young men must have gone through in their transformation. There was more that one heart-jerking moment without ever being maudlin.The Hollywood's exploration of India based subjects is continuing. I have been enjoying those. Something quite refreshing which traveling on a new perspective to entertain the world audience. Well, this movie was not as big as 'Slumdog Millionaire' or 'Life of Pi', but nevertheless its somewhere in between. The boys from 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'Life of Pi' are the two Indian characters. Suraj Sharma as Rinku and Madhur Mittal as Dinesh did justice to the respective roles. Lake Bell, Alan Akin, Darshan Jariwala, Aasif Mandvi & Bill Paxton provide great support, but this is truly a Jon Hamm movie!! He defines awesome!! Million Dollar Arm is a great sports movie, that pulls out all the stops, it has heart, humor, everything. The baseball scenes are awesome, the India and America setting where great but its the superb screenplay & the performances which makes this one of the best sports movies in recent times! ” - saadforever890
Divergent (2014)
In a world divided by factions based on virtues, Tris learns she's Divergent and won't fit in. When she discovers a plot to destroy Divergents, Tris and the mysterious Four must find out what makes Divergents dangerous before it's too late. (139 mins.)
Director: Neil Burger
“ Knowing this film has been produced by Summit Entertainment, & how adaptations of teen novels are usually horrible (Except Hunger Games, no not Twilight, that sucks), I tried to keep my expectations low.But damn was I surprised! From the beginning till the end I was hooked. I found the pacing just fine. The people who complain about it being too slow are just folks who want every movie to be action all the time. The movie has plenty of action, but it also has humor, romance, drama, philosophy, and just general futuristic ingredients. The huge cast especially Shailene Woodley & Theo James do a fine job along with a brilliant soundtrack. Divergent is thought provoking, intense & basically just awesome! Go Watch it! ” - saadforever890
The Quiet Ones (2014)
A university professor and a team of students conduct an experiment on a young woman, uncovering terrifyingly dark, unexpected forces in the process. (98 mins.)
Director: John Pogue
“ From the makers of The Woman In Black, comes another classic horror with enormous scares & an intriguing storyline. With a perfect mix of live action & found footage, The Quiet Ones is a very welcome breath of fresh air in mainstream horror movies, proving once again that constant scenes of exorcisms and idiotic found footage films (well their are still some good ones out there) have become boring and instead placing focus on believable characters (exceptional performance from Olive Cooks & Jared Harris) to bring out more interesting methods to create a genuinely tense atmosphere & a complete play out with our minds to bring out fear! Must watch for Horror movie fans!! ” - saadforever890
The Babadook (2014)
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her. (93 mins.)
Director: Jennifer Kent
“ This is Australian horror film is completely original and truly terrifying! Its low budgeted and well shot, the film leans on the power of suggestion and tone to create a film which has a sense of unease throughout, in order to indulge you into a feeling of dread or helplessness! This film proves what a horror-fiction movie could do with involving more on psychological emotion from it's protagonist character rather than shocking audience with jump scares! Well it does find its own way of creeping the hell out of you! Some horror fans might get slightly disappointed for not giving The Babadook monster enough of the characterization he deserves. The other story is a lot more interesting to follow than his "Oh I am a ghost" tricks, and that is why It is best to view this film as gloomy fairytale about a mother and a son fighting to keep a hold of themselves & have promised to protect each other at any cost! What definitely makes this film that scary is a standout performance from Essie Davis. Her acting as Amelia greatly portrays a destroyed and depressed mother who have unwell circumstances to raise her only son. At first half of the film, audiences were dragged to feel the stressful condition and sympathy to Amelia but she with her gesture and changed behavior would surely scare them when it reaches last 20 minutes. Along with her its six year old Noah Wiseman's brilliant performance, who starts off as a spoilt brat & turns into the fighting force against the monster! A hero/ kid you actually root for! Director Jennifer Kent has successfully and smartly convinced also planted images of Babadook character at audience's mind without much showing what it really looks like and keep them guessing at the ending part. Overall The Babadook is a respectful, creepy, no jump scare, fantastic psychological and an undeniably creepy old-school horror movie that is rarely to find these days. Must Watch for horror fans! ” - saadforever890
Not Safe for Work (2014)
An office worker is trapped inside the building where a killer is on the loose. (74 mins.)
Director: Joe Johnston
“ Directed by Joe Johnston (Jurassic Park III, Captain America: The First Avenger) & produced by Jason Blum (Paranormal Activity, Occulus, Insidious), "Not Safe for Work" is a low budget indie thriller that revolves around an office worker (Max Minghella) who is trapped inside an office building after hours with a killer on the loose. Not Safe for Work turns out to be a very taut and well executed thriller that is much more like Die Hard with more thrill elements other than things just blowing up. The direction is impressive and the acting quite believable, fans of this genre are gonna love this film, I know i did!! Highly recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Dracula Untold (2014)
As his kingdom is being threatened by the Turks, young prince Vlad Tepes must become a monster feared by his own people in order to obtain the power needed to protect his own family, and the families of his kingdom. (92 mins.)
Director: Gary Shore
“ Just when we thought we are done with the long line up of movies about the prince of darkness aka the count, Universal decides to reboot it, with a new take of the classic tale. This film is apparently the kick start to Universal's own monster universe, similar to ongoing superhero universe from different properties. Unlike the stories so far (like I said, so many!) this one takes us far back to the very beginning, to the origins. Where a prince battled the Turks. It is innovative, and interesting to see how the story reveals itself. While classic Dracula fans expecting a London setting & the presence of Van Helsing will be disappointed This film is something else!A good fantasy action movie with great visual effects, good acting and a decent story. The story has a nice paste, it is a great combination of slow sequences and action. But, the true problem with the movie is the length. 93 min is way to short for a movie of this type. If it were 30 min longer the characters could have been explored more, the story could have had more drama, and the ending could have been longer and bloodier & probably more effective. Luke Evans was by far the best choice for the lead role. His dark and passionate portrait of the prince was staggering. He was believable in every scene from start to finish. The changes of his character were so sophisticated and cool that only after the movie ends one actually realizes what a good performance that was. Evans is the only one that equals the '92 Gary Oldman's performance. Charles Dance is amazingly creepy as the master vampire! Being a Dracula movie there are things you have to expect, yes he receives his power by drinking blood, having all the vulnerabilities as every vampire (which they do very good in this movie) but the way this movie makes you root for Vlad(Dracula) you actually find yourself engulfed in the movie wanting him to overcome the darkness and win. Overall Dracula Untold may seem like heartless yet fun stand alone film, but considering the bigger picture as the 1st entry of the Monster mash up universe (The Mummy reboot, Frankenstein, Werewolf & Van Helsing with Tom Cruise), this film is worth a watch! ” - saadforever890
Chef (2014)
A chef who loses his restaurant job starts up a food truck in an effort to reclaim his creative promise, while piecing back together his estranged family. (114 mins.)
Director: Jon Favreau
“ After a string of big budget movie movies, Jon Favreu acts, writes, produces & directs a low budget dramedy Chef & guess what he is awesome!! The story, the acting, the cooking, and the music combined to create a wonderful recipe for a beautiful movie. Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, Russel Peters & Dustin Hoffman appear in cameos, while John Leguizamo, Sofía Vergara, Oliver Platt and Emjay Anthony as Percy, play great supporting characters. Yes the movie is kinda predictable but still as a whole, Chef is just so enchanting that any minor weakness is immediately forgiven and forgotten! Chef is a happy, uplifting more like a feel good movie & anyone who's seeking to finally crack a smile, laugh, and notice the goodness still left in the world & enjoy FOOD PORN, Chef is ready to serve! ” - saadforever890
Penguins of Madagascar (2014)
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private join forces with undercover organization The North Wind to stop the villainous Dr. Octavius Brine from destroying the world as we know it. (92 mins.)
“ I am honestly surprised & disappointed to why DreamWorks Animated films are not doing well, yes they have the How to Train Your Dragon franchise, the completely sunk Shrek franchise & the Kungfu Panda franchise which is still up & running, their other better films like Rise of the Guardians (2012) & Mr Peabody & Sherman (2014) have instantly failed. anticipated. Penguins of Madagascar seemed like another one to add to the list. This film is just like what Puss in Boots (2011) is to the Shrek franchise, a spin off gasping straws of a dying franchise, in the case here is the pretty OK Madagascar series. The story follows the four scene stealer penguins - Skipper (Tom McGrath), their natural-born leader. Kowalski (Chris Miller), the brains of their hare-brained operations. Rico (Conrad Vernon), too honest with his words and too eager with his flippers. And the cute and cuddly Private (Christopher Knights), whose role in the team seems only to provide the occasional amusement for Skipper, despite his sincerest attempts at trying to convince the latter that he can do more. The penguins get caught up in an international conspiracy with a certain Dr Octavius Brine (John Malkovich). Turns out that the penguins and Dr Brine share some common history together at the New York Central Park Zoo – Dr Brine was the eight-legged centerpiece attraction at the Zoo named Dave until the penguins came along and stole all the limelight and attention. Faced with the same fate at every other zoo since, Dr Brine then hatched a plan to steal every single penguin from each of the zoos he's been at and turn them into something else altogether using his 'Medusa' serum. Enter the undercover task force dubbed 'North Wind' that also has the mission objective of stopping Dr Brine , led the headstrong wolf leader Agent Classified (Benedict Cumberbatch), the appropriately-named explosives specialist seal Short Fuse (Ken Jeong), the cool and beautiful owl Eva (Annet Mahendru) whom Kowalski has a crush on, or the brawny polar bear Corporal (Peter Stormare) who can't resist hugging them penguins. Those expecting an origin story will realize soon after a hilarious prologue set in the Antarctica that this was never meant to be that. Instead, the opening is as much background to the penguins as you'll get, beginning with a young Skipper inciting Kowalski and Rico to break away from their flock in order to find greater purpose in their lives than simply conforming to nature. So when an egg (which will eventually hatch to bear Private) rolls along their way, they decide to give chase, with a documentary crew in hot pursuit. A run-in with some leopard seals and an unintended explosion later, our heroes are set adrift on a bed of floating ice. Fast-forward to the point in 'Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted' where they separate from Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria by blasting off in a cannon at the circus (remember Marty's 'Afro Circus' dance) and infiltrate a highly secured facility filled with gold bars in order to get at a different kind of gold – that is, a whole vending machine of golden- colored 'Cheesy Dibbles' just for Private on the occasion of his birthday. Their journey spans from Shanghai, Rio and finally to New York. Each destination is an opportunity for directors Eric Darnell (who co-directed each one of the 'Madagascar' films) and newcomer Simon J. Smith to stage a massive action setpiece that unfolds with the kind of unpredictability and inventiveness true to the penguins' improvisational nature. There's no point trying to describe any of them to you, because they really are meant to dazzle and astound on a visual level; and that they do with the sheer awesomeness. It isn't just the action that forces you to keep up; just as fast and furious are the witty one-liners that had us in stitches. Skipper is responsible for many of them (Dr Brine: "I see you've met my old zoo mates"; Skipper: "We were never mates. There was no mating."), while Dr Brine gets most of the rest, most notably a recurring gag involving celebrity-name puns ("Nicolas, cage them!", "Drew, Barry, more!", "Charlize, they're on the ray!"). Kudos to the writers for putting something in there for the adults, even though this is ostensibly a kids-driven animation. The frenetic pacing does come at the expense of characterization though, so besides Skipper coming into his own as a valued and significant member of the team, there isn't much – or for that matter, anyone – else that you'll identify with. That said, we hardly suspect that you or the kids will mind. 'Penguins of Madagascar' is made with but one intention, and that is as a fast-paced, quick-witted, high-energy action adventure to thrill, entertain and delight its audience. On each and every one of those counts, it succeeds tremendously, and we dare say that we had more outright fun in this movie than in any other animation we've seen this year. If there's one thing we've learned from this solo outing, it's that 'Madagascar' has gone the way of the penguins. Well, as the titular characters would say: "Mission Accomplished!" ” - saadforever890
As Above, So Below (2014)
When a team of explorers ventures into the catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead. (93 mins.)
Director: John Erick Dowdle
“ I am huge fan of found footage films, I think I have mentioned that like 100 times or so, once the phenomenon begin nearly every month 4-5 films of the same genre would should up, but clearly the past few years the quality of the films started going down, until this film came along (also V/H/S 2 this year) & restored my faith in the genre! Firstly this film brings a fresh plot to the table. Bringing fresh ideas to the Horror genre is difficult, mostly because it's difficult to find new ways to scare people. There aren't a ton of moments that make you jump, but I think the genre isn't really about making people jump anymore. Audiences have gotten good at predicting when these moments happen. Here the setting is lied in: les Catacombes de Paris, one of the creepiest places in the world (surely not on my list of places to visit). The central crux of the plot hinges on a mystical stone whose existence has been buried (literally and metaphorically) by history, and the protagonist, Scarlett (Perdita Weeks), the daughter of an archaeologist and alchemy student, makes it her life goal to finish her deceased father's work and find it. While this is admittedly fantastical and no doubt requires a slight stretching of the imagination, the historical and mythological aspects of the film still manage to be compelling none the less. For those who don't know, the "Philosophers' Stone" or otherwise know as the stone of the philosophers is a legendary alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals such as lead into gold or silver. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality. For many centuries, it was the most sought- after goal in alchemy. This movie contains BOTH the gold angles as well as the elixir of life (And its healing abilities). The best part of this film is how it has beautifully mashed these two genres together "Historical, Adventure and Horror". Only if they had a charming & charismatic lead, this film would have been the Indiana Jones of Horror! I've never seen a film that has painted Hell like they did, the whole catacombs system is scary & a version of hell for claustrophobics. This film is not for the purists amongst us, and there is indeed room for criticism, the shaky camera is not everyone's cup of tea and at times, you are relieved when they are static for a brief moment and the motion stops, however this did not distract me from what was a thoroughly enjoyable film. The acting is good and the characters are believable for the most part. I would have cleaned up the final act a little bit more, but it was good enough to keep me satisfied. Directed and co-written by John Erick Dowdle (Devil) has made a creepy, stressful, scary thriller melded with the makings of found-footage horror, and, although at times ridiculous, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't wildly entertaining. This movie is definitely not for movie goers who dislike "Found Footage" Or "First Person Camera" movies. Additionally it is not for movie goers who get easily sick or nauseous due to constant jerky moving camera shots. ” - saadforever890
Tusk (2014)
When podcaster Wallace Bryton goes missing in the backwoods of Manitoba while interviewing a mysterious seafarer named Howard Howe, his best friend Teddy and girlfriend Allison team with an ex-cop to look for him. (102 mins.)
Director: Kevin Smith
“ Kevin Smith has used a mixture of comedy & horror & created something which anyone would never have seen before - one hell of a weird but fun movie! I'm a fan of Kevin Smith, even though his Redstate was not that likeable, his Clerks I & II will always be in the list of movies I cherish. With this film he has proved he is a master of his craft. The story follows quirky mean-spirited pod caster Wallace Brighton (Justin Long) journeys to Canada to interview a weird and wacky person, but instead gets kidnapped, tormented and tortured by a man (Michael Parks) who wants to turn him into a Walrus, he credits with saving his life during WW2. While his hot girl friend (Genesis Rodriguez) & his co pod caster (Haley Joel Osment) come to Canada in search of him with the help of wacko ex cop (Johnny Depp). This movie reminded me of beloved B-Horror films, but with tremendously better acting. I cannot see how anyone can step into this film and take it one hundred percent seriously. I don't think it was ever meant to be taken seriously, which is the true beauty of this film. Kevin Smith does an excellent job at keeping you on your toes and you never know whats going to be around the corner. The film has you questioning what is going to happen next on every turn. The screen writing and direction shows how he is not afraid to go out of his comfort zone and deliver an off the wall movie. It's not for everyone but its a movie that you must understand Kevin Smith and his personality to truly enjoy this film. The movie grabs your attention at the beginning. The middle gives you a back ground and tells the plot. The end gives you a tear jerker and makes you appreciate the brilliance of Kevin and his writing. The goal of a good horror is to transport the viewer into the movie and make them live what's happening knowing the decisions of the characters are the same ones we would make if we were in the same situations. And no cheats like most horror movies fall back on. This truly is a feast for the senses and long after it's over you'll be dwelling on what you just witnessed. This movie is full of horrifying and cringe-inducing visuals that will also leave you laughing. The film is a brilliant mash-up of horror and comedy that will only leave you wanting more (which is good, as Kevin Smith's "Canada Trilogy" is just getting started). The creepiest and disturbing movie ever. The transformation is horrific. Oscar worthy performances all around, especially Justin Long. His blood, sweat, and tears shined bright in this movie. Michael Parks gives a performance that is both hilarious and incredibly creepy and unsettling. Even though Justin Long's character deserves what's coming to him, you can't help but feel bad (and laugh) as he screams and cries like a walrus or is forced to eat a raw fish. Michael Parks did one of the best renditions of a psychopath I have ever seen. He was creepily silly and the passion he expressed for his human-walrus was believable. Johnny Depp isn't one of my all time favorite actors, but he is used to nailing the weird roles he is offered! This time is no different & really was almost unrecognizable due to how different his character was in previous films. Haley Joel Osment looks weird after so many years & literally has nothing much to do. Genesis Rodriguez is an actress to watch out for! She is stunning & displays a variety of emotions with awe. On the whole Tusk is hilarious, disturbing, twisted, emotional, terrifying and shocking all in one and Justin Long and Michael Parks were terrific. This is a great movie that has been added to Kevin Smiths repertoire. Give it a watch horror fans! ” - saadforever890
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
20 years since their first adventure, Lloyd and Harry go on a road trip to find Harry's newly discovered daughter, who was given up for adoption. (109 mins.)
“ I actually saw the 1994 original just a few months ago, frankly I enjoyed it but cannot be a categorized as a big fan! I am not sure why! Probably I was having a bad day or something. Anyways, the physical comedy of the 90s was something which I at first dint understand, as I remember watching a couple of Jim Carrey movies (Liar Liar & The Mask come to mind first), while growing up, in which I could just see him making funny faces, that's it! Over the years I have understood that kind of comedy (probably my taste changed), & eventually started loving it & it was while watching this long delayed sequel I realized how much I missed this! People who have seen the original should pay as wide attention as possible as you will notice a lot of things have been retained (& progressed) from the first movie. For example - Petey, the blind kid, is back in this one for a short time. I could tell that the Farrelly Brothers and the other writers knew they had a big undertaking in creating this movie. The story pays homage to the original many times and lets the viewers know of it's twenty year hiatus. It also does a good job, in respecting it's loyal fan base. Just like the original, this one is fun, silly, dumb and filled with all sorts of crazy shenanigans. Just about every other scene had some sort of wacky antic coming from either Lloyd or Harry and also like the original, this sequel did not take itself too seriously. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are hilarious as the dumb idiots Harry and Lloyd. It is quite apparent that these two share a great chemistry, & had a lot of fun making this one, & hence fell back into their characters very easily. One of the biggest surprise of this film is Rachel Melvin, a relative newbie, who manages to look pretty & match the antics of Carrey & Daniels at the same time very well. Laurie Holden & Rob Riggle do well in their supporting roles. The only concern for this film is that some people may find the jokes at times offensive & a bit too crass, especially the bathroom humor, but knowing Jim Carrey, you should expect nothing less! As a viewer, I can say Dumber & Dumber To manages to be a worthy sequel & at times even a better film. The best way to see this film is in a packed theater opening weekend with your friends. On the other hand if you hated the original, there is no point in watch this one, as this is a very specific type of generic comedy which most likely wont be praised by critics and audiences who aren't familiar with the first. ” - saadforever890
The Maze Runner (2014)
Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow "runners" for a shot at escape. (113 mins.)
Director: Wes Ball
“ Judging by the trailers this may seem like another distopian future film like The Hunger Games & Divergent series targeting its "young adult" audience. Luckily, The Maze Runner is much more than that, it's more of a high concept film that designs a world as a mind-bending game. Things are stronger at the first act when the lead is just picking up information even though the people around him are basically just over-explaining stuff rather than developing their characters. But it's great when it keeps the plot moving from one place to another. The worst of it however is when it finally unfolds all of the hidden secrets, compromising much of the potential of this ride. The lead actor Dylan O'Brien does well in his role but it was really outstanding in any remarkable way. While Will Poulter,(We Are The Millers) & Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Game Of Thrones) are the only known faces among the cast, its good to see them climbing up the ladder. Overall, The Maze Runner is a cool, confident and thrilling blend of action, suspense and characters it's hard to believe a new director & a new cast could pull off such twisting kind of film, the film is good enough to leave viewers excited by the prospect of the inevitable sequel. Phase Two! #themazerunner ” - saadforever890
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her wings as she fights to save Peeta and a nation moved by her courage. (123 mins.)
Director: Francis Lawrence
“ Frankly, I have not understood the craze (& BO performance) behind this series, yes the series is interesting and fun, but just like the Twilight series, the films are not just cinematic adaptations of teen novels, each one of them are given the reception of a life time event! I guess I have to be a teen again to understand that! The plot here is pretty simple, after Katniss Everdeen demolished the annual Hunger Games with the shot of an arrow, she set in motion a rebellion that may very well overthrow the totalitarian rule of the Capitol which has held sway over the people in twelve Districts for the past 75 years. But to get to that point of the struggle, Katniss needs to be transformed from a survivor into an icon, a symbol that would come to represent what the revolution stands for in order to rally the people from the Districts to come forth from fear and join in the armed struggle. While the 1st was fun, the 2nd upped it a notch & was freaking awesome (one of my favorite films of 2013), I cant help by say I was mildly disappointed by this one. Yes! I have not read the book series, but that also helps in a way as I am not able to predict whats coming in next. Like a friend of mine commented, this film suffers from the " Part 1 plague", meaning the book was split into two films just in order for the studio to make more money! The film hardly has any action & at times seems to really drag, with some unnecessary sequences really effecting the pacing. Even though the "action" is clearly intended to carry the movie, given the amount of time devoted to it, it is largely vapid PG13-type stuff. Even the social & political nature of the series, which are shortly focused in the first two films, is in full swing here & may not be rel eatable to the non die hard fans audience. Nevertheless the film does has his own plus points, & gives you many reasons to watch this one, mainly as it doesn't feel like a 'Hunger Games' film that we've come to know in the previous two installments, It almost feels like a complete reboot of the entire franchise. The film is almost entirely set in District 13; besides the short but poignant visits to District 12, 8 and little cutaways to scenes outside of Katniss's perspective in the Capitol, 5, 7 and 11. There are no more "games" – which means no more reapings, no more chariots, or any of that lead up. The film get to the core of what it is really all about and gives us a shocking and horrifying portrayal of war in Panem and how media manipulation is used through the use of propaganda videos in battle to control the populous. The cast is stellar. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss carries the whole movie by herself, she is no longer forcing smiles in flaming dresses or dropped into a televised reality game show wearing latex wet suits all designed to appeal and appease the Capitol audiences, she's now hidden underground in the bleak and gray District 13, a district that months prior, none of the characters even knew had still existed since its 'alleged' obliteration during 'The Dark Days'. Even though her character seems whinny (& annoying) at times, but she is conveying so many different shades especially vulnerability as evidenced by how quickly she is seized by helplessness when she sees Peeta on TV, doubts towards President Coin , but most importantly her fierce determination when she turns towards the camera and delivers a personal message to Snow: "if we burn, you burn with us". Lawrence has always been the beating heart of this dystopian saga, and by letting Katniss' bow and arrow take a backseat to her emotional struggles, this chapter sees Lawrence deliver her most soulful, stirring and storm-raging performance yet. Josh Hutcherson as Peeta has the least screen time this time, but in the limited frame he has given out a true heartbreaking performance performance. Liam Hemsworth gets better role this time round & he is very likeable. With a strong supporting cast including Julianne Moore, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks & Natalie Dormer, the bar for performances just keeps raising. On the whole The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 may not be the best film this year, but if you decide to keep your minds open & don't expect to see a film on the similar lines of the first two parts, this film is worth a watch mainly because of its crisp direction, powerful performances & prepare you for the epic showdown finale coming next year, as we follow Katniss and her squad in their final journey to stop the Capitol! ” - saadforever890
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)
If the worst day of your life consisted of accidentally killing your girlfriend with an axe, chain-sawing your own arm off...(100 mins.)
Director: Tommy Wirkola
“ I've seen countless number of zombie films, and while the genre has had life pumped into it on several occasions (28 days/weeks, Shaun of the Dead) in recent years it's kinda fell by the wayside once again. Dead Snow (2009) a Norwegian language film about a breed of fast running Nazi zombies was breath of fresh air five years ago. Yes! The concept & some particular scenes where similar to the original Evil Dead, but did they mock over it? No, instead the film provided a fresh gory fun filled entertainment! Now, after five years with a great amount of expectation and high hopes that I sat down to watch the sequel. Clearly the sequel has done what Army of Darkness did for Evil Dead, a huge step up from what it was in the first movie, from the camera-work, to the zombie make-up, to the production value, and the list goes on and on. The sequel takes off right where the first ended. Our chain saw cutting hero Martin manages to escape the Nazi zombie hell in Oksfjord in Northern Norway by cutting off his own zombie smitten arm. But his flight ends up wrong as he drives the car off the road due to his injuries & exhaustion . He wakes up in the morning to find himself in a hospital, where the police suspect him for killing off his group of student friends. But, it's not all bad. They have managed to sew his off-cut arm on, a proud doctor says. And so the hell breaks loose again. If you thought the first was strange and bloody, this is pure zombie splatter like you've never seen before. Not only Zombies are dangerous here. Our own hero will kill off even children in the most horrific ways. It's gut wrenching in all the worst ways. Well what can we expect from the Nazi zombies? Well, they are not your average classic zombies. They are powered in Frankenstein-manner. And so are their opponents, the Russians Communist zombies. This makes one hell of a ride including a nerdy zombie ghost buster squad from the USA. Yeah, once again the US saves the world! Director Tommy Wirkola has made what is so far the most outrageous zombie extravaganza ever, and is even managing to putting in a zombie love story here to sweeten the bloody cup of zombie slime. And the references for the film buffs are here as well, mostly homages to quite different genres than the zombie genre itself. If you ever love zombie movie you gonna like this one. On the whole Dead Snow 2 : Red Vs Dead is a blast from beginning to end. Yes it borrows from Evil Dead and all the other classics from that time but it doesn't pretend not to. It doesn't take itself too seriously and this is obvious throughout the film and is so enjoyable to watch. If you enjoy movies such as "Evil Dead" or "Shaun of the Dead", then you will most definitely like Dead Snow 2 as well as without a doubt this one of the most fantastic comedy horror I've seen in years! ” - saadforever890
The Equalizer (2014)
A man believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and has dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when he meets a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can't stand idly by - he has to help her. (132 mins.)
Director: Antoine Fuqua
“ This film is not your typical action flick, well it does come under the category of the recent set of films "Pissed off ex CIA is gonna kill everyone". Antoine Fuqua, the director who brought us Training Day, which earned Denzel his Best Actor Oscar, helms this movie with a steady hand. His direction of the drama and the action blend seamlessly, drawing us into the complexity of this character-driven piece. Based on an 80s Tv show, the film relies on great choreographed fights, fantastic explosions & character driven roles. The only thing working against the film is the predictability & the slow pacing. Denzel Washington is one of the few A listers who has been performing high & steady with his movies in the recent years. Here, he is quietly contained, but with ever-building intensity, Washington turns in another stellar performance. The Equalizer may not appeal to everyone but luckily the film rises above its mundane predictable plot & team Washington/Fuqua makes sure it gives us a darker hero for darker times, and one you will cheer on every step of the way!!! ” - saadforever890
Blended (2014)
After a bad blind date, a man and woman find themselves stuck together at a resort for families, where their attraction grows as their respective kids benefit from the burgeoning relationship. (117 mins.)
Director: Frank Coraci
“ I have always been of Adam Sandler, his movie has the similar certain dose of crude & silly jokes, & somehow I always had fun watching them mainly because I knew what I was getting into a stress free idiotic comedy film. Unfortunately his last two outings That's My Boy (2012) & Jack & Jill (2011) where way too horrible, even for my taste. With "Blended" , Adam Sandler is back to his roots with a romcom with a heartwarming stories, well yes it has its share of crude & silly humor, but who cares its avery touching, meaningful yet funny movie with no dull moments!Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore work so well together. The humor of some of their scenes were classic. The film has some hilarious cameos from Terry Crews, South African Fast Bowler Dale Steyn & of course NBA star Shaquille O'Neal. So, if you just want to relax and enjoy a light hearted comedy movie, Blended is your answer! ”- saadforever890
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack. (105 mins.)
Director: Kenneth Branagh
“ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is an exciting movie that won't win any awards but makes for a really fun afternoon. Another addition to the series of the late novelist Tom Clancy's CIA Analyst character, with this one being the 5th of the series (The Hunt for Red October, Clear & Present Danger, Patriotic Games & Sum of All Fears). Chris Pine is kool as Jack Ryan, I don't know why he is so under rated a lot of times, He's a pretty good actor. And Keira Knightly is also good, she does an American accent well, Kenneth Branagh is great has the main villain, man he can give quite a good scary cold eye stare, and also has director & of course Kevin Costner is awesome as always. It has some good action scenes, and some suspenseful moments. All this elements make "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" a good action thriller film that manages to keep to keep you hooked from the beginning to the end. This film wont be in your all time favorites but will definitely entertain you! Let's hope a sequel comes anytime soon! ” - saadforever890
Stretch (2014)
A hard-luck limo driver struggling to go straight and pay off a debt to his bookie takes on a job with a crazed passenger whose sought-after ledger implicates some seriously dangerous criminals. (94 mins.)
Director: Joe Carnahan
“ Their is always a mystery surrounding around films dumped by studios, like is that bad? Well, usually they are, like really bad!! But luckily this feature from director Joe Carnahan (The Grey, Smokin Aces) is not an example of that case. Instead this film a hard-boiled, muscular, dark & a hilarious 90 minute thrill ride! it is the day in a life of a down-on-his-luck ex gambler limo driver played by (the very under rated & charming) Patrick Wilson who has a ride of his life (pun intended!). Rounding out the supporting cast are the very likeable Chris Pine, Jessica Alba, Ed Helms, and Brooklyn Decker with awesome cameos from Norman Reedus, Ray Liotta and David Hasselhoff. This film is so delicious that every second is enjoyable, filled with intense events that makes sure the viewer is happy and satisfied, Joe Carnahan knows what he’s doing & it may at times seem he is still in the awesome Smokin Aces (2006) hangover & Stretch may just be the much deserved sequel (oh please ignore the 2010 direct to DVD sequel). Stretch is a very entertaining movie & at times down right crazy to watch with great performances from Patrick Wilson, Chris Pine and Ed Helms. It’s funny, edgy and a wonderful experience!! ” - saadforever890
The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
The Kadam family leaves India for France where they open a restaurant directly across the road from Madame Mallory's Michelin-starred eatery. (122 mins.)
Director: Lasse Hallström
“ A film which narrates a clash of two of the world's oldest & beautiful cultures throw their culinary showcase, while starring some of the best actors from both regions under the production of Steven Spielberg & Oprah Winfrey, what could go wrong? Well exactly! Almost nothing! Just like the title suggests, the film engrosses the viewers well enough to send them on a journey themselves. You will laugh, you will smile, you will wonder, you may even cry and you will be immersed in the surroundings of a picture of a not so friendly small town in South France where two beautiful (and oh yummy mouth watering delicious!) cultures clash, mingle, and eventually harmonize. The movie may even easily seem like a Disney film due to the very subtle and harmonious tone, with no significant ups or downs, clash or surprises. The movie weaves in a light-hearted humor throughout, yet honestly depicts the awkwardness and tension between the newly arrived Indian family and the local French townspeople. The struggles faced by the Indian diaspora, is explored with sincerity and comedy. Another point I would like to note is that the movie presents an excellent characterization of the type of globalization our society has come to bear. The only problem I had with the film, it appeared as the last 30 minutes of the film was kinda rushed, not giving much insight into why our lead character decides to go back etc. Talented, respected, British star Helen Mirren is at her best showing her uncanny ability in artfully playing a French woman with impeccable taste, she makes you loath her & then fall deeply in love with her character. Bollywood actor Om Puri strikes a perfect note, his lines are probably the most memorable in the movie as well as his sparkling chemistry with Helen Mirren's character. Manish Dayal and beautiful Canadian Charlotte Le Bon are a delight to watch. On the whole The Hundred Foot Journey succeeds in every department! The premise, the acting, the setting, the cinematography, the music mix well in this charming film based on love, food, marketing, cultural differences and acceptance. Directed by Lasse Hallström ("Chocolat", "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen") this is a pleasant, un-challenging and stress-relieving way to spend two hours of your time, However, make sure you go in well fed else you will get very very hungry! ” - saadforever890
Justice League: War (2014 Video)
The world's finest heroes found the Justice League in order to stop an alien invasion of Earth. (79 mins.)
Director: Jay Oliva
“ Another example of how Dc can make better movies than Marvel any day!! This animated flick based on the 1st few of the currently running Justice League New 52 issues could have been a great premise for a live action it remains to be seen how WB actually makes its.. ” - saadforever890
That Awkward Moment (2014)
Three best friends find themselves where we've all been - at that confusing moment in every dating relationship when you have to decide "So...where is this going?" (94 mins.)
Director: Tom Gormican
“ This film is kind of rom com which even guyies can enjoy! A good story of three friends, and their valiant, though impossible task of remaining single through hilarious, fun & emotional moments. Great acting from the really loveable/likeable cast, even though the story is not really an original one by any means, but the cast, and production values make it worth your time. Watch it! ” - saadforever890
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Jesse begins experiencing a number of disturbing and unexplainable things after the death of his neighbor... (84 mins.)
Director: Christopher Landon
“ Simple, if you are looking for a horror film & not a fan of the franchise, kindly avoid this film! Frankly I am one! With the exception of Paranormal Activity 4 I have been enjoying this franchise since the 1st brought back the found footage revolution. The Marked Ones is a more of a parallel story which very smartly connects itself to the franchise (no spoilers!). Like the remaining films, it takes time to introduce the characters & then the noises begin. But on a positive note, the plot (even though at times reminded of Chronicle) takes a different turn from the one we have been seeing before especially thanks to exceptional acting from the young cast. Whereas, on the negative side, with the exception of a few sequences & the brilliant "oh *beep* what the hell" climax, the film is low on the horror quotient which made the franchise successful. Therefore, as a Paranormal Activity fan I enjoyed it, but as a horror genre..a little disappointed.. ” - saadforever890
RoboCop (2014)
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy - a loving husband, father and good cop - is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. (117 mins.)
Director: José Padilha
“ This is more of a slick & emotional reboot of the gory action filled 1987 flick..This film has a better cast, more meticulous script and of course better effects, in many ways its way better than was projected due to the severe production troubles, but will leave action fans a tad disappointed due to less on screen guns & robotic action which is actually expected from such films! Nevertheless this film is a different take on the "Tin Man" & is definitely worth a watch! ” - saadforever890
The Captive (2014)
Eight years after the disappearance of Cassandra, some disturbing incidents seem to indicate that she's still alive. Police, parents and Cassandra herself, will try to unravel the mystery of her disappearance. (112 mins.)
Director: Atom Egoyan
“ I'm surprised by the amount of negative reviews this film has been receiving. Well yes it has some set backs of its own; the resemblance to Prisoners (2013) & tends to get really slow at times plus the time-jumps may at times be confusing. However, in my opinion the slower pace did not diminish it's thrilling effect and the time-line even adds to the experience. Among the performances its obviously Ryan Reynolds show all the way with some great support from Scott Speedman, Rosario Dawson & Mireille Enos. The Captive is a fascinating and thrilling journey dealing with a terrifying subject, done in the style of thrillers from years past where there was little to no violence and it is all the more effective because of that and doesn't just cash in and try to gross out the audience, or to shock us in any way. I really appreciated this sensitive and careful approach to the storytelling and subject of the film. ” - saadforever890
Veronica Mars (2014)
Years after walking away from her past as a teenage private eye, Veronica Mars gets pulled back to her hometown - just in time for her high school reunion - in order to help her old flame Logan Echolls, who's embroiled in a murder mystery.(107 mins.)
Director: Rob Thomas
“ I had seen the pilot of this noir teen detective show years back, the kick starter funding really got my interest here. Like fans paid to get a Tv show made into a movie!Wow! I was not expecting very much from this movie and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. A simple murder tale told in a very ecstatic way!Even though I'm not a fan I loved this movie (Fans loved it) & gonna make sure I go back & watch the show. People looking for a little cheesy noir crime film can check this out!!Its worth it!! ” - saadforever890
Enemy (2013)
A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie. (90 mins.)
Director: Denis Villeneuve
“ After the superb Prisoners last year, Denis Villeneuve is back with another mind-boggling mystery with stunning twists and turns, deep hidden meanings, and a tremendous double performance by Gyllenhaal. This film is superbly crafted psychological thriller which everyone may/may not understand due to its complex twists. It's Jake Gyllenhaal who is running the show here. Gyllenhaal delicately balances the introverted, resentful nature of Adam with the loud, imposing personality of Anthony. It's even more impressive that this performance stands as one of Gyllenhaal's finest in his long list of great roles Enemy isn't for everybody, but it's target demographic is sure to find the film to be spellbinding and hypnotic. Villeneuve's devious directing is sure to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat the whole time, up until the chilling final frame before the film cuts to the credits. Recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Afflicted (2013)
Two best friends see their trip of a lifetime take a dark turn when one of them is struck by a mysterious affliction. Now, in a foreign land, they race to uncover the source before it consumes him completely. (85 mins.)
Director: Derek LeeClif Prowse
“ Found footage movies usually have a simple rule - one line plot, some good times turn into a disaster & the camera just falls in the end, well I am not complaining some are really good! Afflicted defers from this usual one mainly because it has an interesting storyline which may be a bit cliche, still the directors make sure the plot is perceived in the novel way as possible. Even though it has some creep moments, it is not as scary as portrayed in the trailers. Overall Directors Derek Lee and Clif Prowse (who also starred in the movie themselves) have managed to put together an interesting movie with a whole new visionary approach to this awesome genre. ” - saadforever890
The Raid 2 (2014)
Only a short time after the first raid, Rama goes undercover with the thugs of Jakarta and plans to bring down the syndicate and uncover the corruption within his police force. (150 mins.)
Director: Gareth Evans
“ The Raid: Redemption (2012) was one of the best action movies of 2012, hence alot more is expected from the sequel! Undoubtedly its one of the best action films ever made!! Unlike the 1st part where the whole film took place in a building, things move out in the actual world. Despite the OMG awesome gorgeously brutal action sequences, Gareth Evans fails in the story telling department, well the 1st one didn't have much of a plot agreed, but the proceedings where so engaging no one cared! Here with a run time of 150 minutes, the proceeding get draggy. Of course throw in a cliche plot of a gangster movie about two warring families, undercover cop, emotional family ties & an ultimate betrayal. You never actually care about the characters. Nevertheless as I have mentioned about the brilliant fight choreography, probably the only reason to watch this movie. Overall a brilliant treat for mixed martial arts fans but in case you are looking for a plot, this one is not for you! ”- saadforever890
The Signal (2014)
On a road trip, Nic and two friends are drawn to an isolated area by a computer genius. When everything suddenly goes dark, Nic regains consciousness - only to find himself in a waking nightmare. (97 mins.)
Director: William Eubank
“ The Signal does a spectacular job of approaching familiar sci-fi tropes from a completely different perspective. Its really hard to explain the plot of the film as about 3-4 films are mashed into this one. Yes the pacing is slow at 1st, carefully weaving out the characters & slowly unraveling in carefully measured doses before opening the floodgates during the film's climax. There are some truly breathtaking visuals & twists in the tale here, particularly during the third act, with one jaw-dropping shot after another building toward a jaw dropping climax . Brenton Thwaites and Lawrence Fishburne made a great team all throughout the movie. Olivia Cooke & Beau Knapp form a strong support. Having a budget of just under 4 million, William Eubank has proved that creative writing and talented direction still exists in Hollywood as The Signal is visually arresting, methodically paced, and almost perfectly executed. A must watch for Science Fiction fans!!! ” - saadforever890
V/H/S: Viral (2014)
Follows fame-obsessed teens who unwittingly become stars of the next internet sensation. (82 mins.)
“ This epic conclusion to the anthology series [V/H/S (2012) & V/H/S 2 (2013)] is much more crazier & epic! I definitely enjoyed Viral MORE than I did with the previous two films. As its predecessors, V/H/S Viral is formed by three found-footage stories, tied together by yet a fourth frame story, also filmed in a found-footage fashion. (Apparently there was supposed to be one more segment, directed by Todd Lincoln, but it was never filmed or it didn't make the final cut) All the four stories have an innovative touch to them; they may start of a bit strange, but trust me you would be paralyzed with shock & awe the moment you realize where the story has lead to. Compared to the last two outings this one is actually low on horror but nonetheless creeps you out. The directors & producers behind V/H/S: Viral have made sure the V/H/S series ended its run on a high note, instead of falling under its own success like most horror franchises do! Must watch for found footage & horror fans!! ” - saadforever890
Before I Go to Sleep (2014)
A woman wakes up every day, remembering nothing as a result of a traumatic accident in her past. One day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her. (92 mins.)
Director: Rowan Joffe
“ A thriller based on amnesia is certainly not among the most original ideas, as we have had some wonderful films with similar themes over the years (Memento, Total Recall etc). Nevertheless, the best thing about this film even with the cliche plot is that it dares to be different. The simple yet satisfying plot-line of this movie, spelled out by our lead protagonist in the opening scene is enough to draw anyone into this wonderful thrill ride of our lead character trying to put back together the memory of the her last 14 years, lost apparently after an 'accident' involving a mystery perpetrator. Director Rowan Joffe has made sure the film is paced at a breakneck speed, with enough jarring lurid scenes & sufficient twists & turns, never allowing audience members to get bored or have enough time to ponder the numerous plot holes noticed after the final credits. Yes! Their are some ridiculous plot holes, which cant be revealed without giving out the the suspense of the ending. Another of the film's major assets is the brilliant performances from the central three characters. Nicole Kidman has a lot of acting to do in this role and she does it very well. Her character is sympathetic & she pulls that of with aplomb! Colin Firth and Mark Strong, two of my favorite actors, are both excellent and keep you guessing throughout. They both match each other on levels of sinister and downright frightening unpredictability. Not only that such fantastic acting is a joy to watch, it also helps the plot-line to be accepted by everyone without any questions, who might generally think twice if only they weren't having so much fun. On the whole Before I Go To Sleep is both a little silly & a satisfying psychological keep you guessing kinda thriller, which doesn't promise any groundbreaking original stuff but instead just lots of fun! ” - saadforever890
Honeymoon (2014)
A newlywed couple finds their lake-country honeymoon descend into chaos after Paul finds Bea wandering and disoriented in the middle of their first night. (87 mins.)
Director: Leigh Janiak
“ This indie horror flick has a very small cast that relies basically two central characters, Rose Leslie (Game Of Thrones) and Harry Treadway (Penny Dreadful) & the whole movie is placed in a cottage & a few scenes near the river. The pacing of the movie is a bit slow but done intentionally to unnerve the hell out of you in the climax. While the film is not incredibly original by any means, but it also doesn't fall into old weary horror cliches and it's all pretty grounded. The chemistry between these two is definitely the strongest point of this film. Good acting by Rose Leslie and Harry Treadaway make somewhat B script seem much more larger and better then it actually is. If you are a fan of old school horror movies & dont mind slow build ups this one is worth a watch or else skip it! ”- saadforever890
The Machine (2013)
Two artificial intelligence engineers come together as they work to create the first ever self-aware artificial intelligence...(91 mins.)
Director: Caradog W. James
“ Considering its budget, this was a really enjoyable flick with some interesting thoughts on Artifical Intelligence and what differentiates humans and machines. Toby Stephens does a good job. But ultimately its Caity Lotz (Arrow) playing two separate roles as the scientist (Ava) and the machine who wins & carriers the whole film on her shoulders.A timely thought provoking movie, with themes to current day world affairs, and humanity, that is accessible to all audiences, whether you are a Sci-Fi fan or not. Recommended!! ” - saadforever890
Grand Piano (2013)
During his comeback performance, a pianist who suffers from stage fright finds a note "play one note wrong, and you die".(90 mins.)
Director: Eugenio Mira
“ One hell of an edgy thriller!! Grand Piano is one of those films which executes its goofy premise with precision & skill. Elijah Wood is slowly becoming the master of acting in indie thrillers!! If you liked Phone Booth, you will surely love this one!! ” - saadforever890
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)
65 years after a masked serial killer terrorized the small town of Texarkana, the so-called 'moonlight murders' begin again. Is it a copycat or something even more sinister? A lonely high school girl, with dark secrets of her own, may be the key to catching him. (86 mins.)
“ This remake of the 1976 slasher film is a definite reminder of why we love films of this genre. Here the director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon gives us all ingredient of a slasher flick, right from the creepy killer, an interesting back story, plenty of spooky night time scenes with him, plenty of chase scenes, and excellent and bloody kills while filming the whole with great atmosphere & suspense!This film is really intelligently shot, it mixes in several scenes from the original film while also creating some copycat scenes with different characters. Yes, the concept does resemble the Scream series especially the recreation of a real story in the film angle. Addison Timlin does well with the lead role, and easily does give the best and only note-worthy performance of the film. Despite the film's borrowing of ideas and strong resemblances to other films of this genre, along with the cool twist in the end, The Town That Dreaded Sundown remake is ultimately a fun slasher film, which doesn't take itself too seriously, & compared to the garbage people make, it can stand tall as one of the most enjoyable slasher film in town! ” - saadforever890
A Long Way Down (2014)
Four people meet on New Year's Eve and form a surrogate family to help one another weather the difficulties of their lives. (96 mins.)
Director: Pascal Chaumeil
“ Ignore the critics, this film in simplest way can be described as sweet & touching! Its a simple witty drama with messages which can be related to everyone. On one side it's a deep drama because the 4 characters all have there own reasons to commit suicide but on the other side it's a enjoyable comedy because they all end up coming together and help each other through there individual problems. With all the four actors; Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette, Imogen Poots & Aaron Paul putting up charming, touching & at times hilarious performances. Even Sam Neil in a small role is very likeable. The only point I could complain about is as a viewer is that I'm left wanting even more, to see about the lives of the characters comparing to what was shown. Overall A Long Way Down is a simple feel good film, which manages to make you smile & cry at the same time along with its likeable characters. I would recommend the audience to do watch this film without doing much research, reviews, BO analysis etc. Not knowing what it's all about made the experience worth it! ” - saadforever890
The Two Faces of January (2014)
A thriller centered on a con artist, his wife, and a stranger who flee Athens after one of them is caught up in the death of a private detective. (96 mins.)
Director: Hossein Amini
“ This film is an old school twisted tale of murder, treachery and double-dealing, based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith, with marks of an Alfred Hitchcock work all over it! Although the compelling story, somewhat predictable in places takes in some fabulously atmospheric locations in Athens, Crete and Istanbul. Director Hossein Amini, has done a good job in using the leads to their maximum, the thrill, orchestrating the locations, lighting and music to great effect. Some of the editing is also very tight, cutting away from scenes at crucial points to maintain the story's mystery. The only problem here lies, the story doesn't never capitalize on what it sets up, and never comes to terms with the fact that there is no sense of urgency or jeopardy, which may not appeal to everyone once the end credits have rolled. Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst are very likeable, but it is Oscar Isaac that again really shines in his role. Overall The Two Faces of January is taut, suspenseful, well-acted, well- written, but may appeal only to people rooting for unconventional thrillers! ” - saadforever890
Open Windows (2014)
A jilted fan soon finds himself pulled into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse after he accepts the opportunity to spy on his favorite actress via his laptop. (100 mins.)
Director: Nacho Vigalondo
“ Director Nacho Vigalondo is crazy! & to agree with me you have to watch this film. He uses one of the most ridiculous & nearly over used ideas & creates an edge of a seat high concept thriller by shooting it one of the most unconventional ways possible! Can you believe the whole film is shot on laptop camera, security & handy cams? Like I said the film has a quite ridiculous & stupid plot around two obsessed fans while one kidnaps the actress, the other tries to save her! The film doesn't take much time dealing with the ethics of spying on someone but, rather, jumps right into a fast-passed thrill ride until the twist climax. The story is told in real-time, following multiple events, and various plot points reveled through pop-up windows on the screen. The film can be easily related & can be considered as a revamped version of many Alfred Hitchcock thrillers! While all the editing and camera work was superb specially the laptop screen, it does take some time to get used to but, the tension ramps up quickly and, though the format is pivotal to the story, you almost forget that you're watching anything but a standard narrative. The film has its share of flaws, which I can divulge much into without giving out the twists, a certain insertion of a plot twist at the end just in order to treat the film in a more complex take (In my opinion) was quite unnecessary, whereas it had stuck to the road it began from the ending would had been more impactful. Elijah Wood has been tackling some interesting indie thrillers for the past few years (Maniac, Grand Piano), his innocence & confused character is totally likeable & make you root for him even though the chance of his success seem dim. Sasha Grey looks pretty & does a decent job. Overall, Open Windows' is another attempt at an unconventional, high-concept thriller exploring the medium of film at its heart, which it may not be among the best thrillers out there, it sure has a lot more going on to root for it! Give it a watch!! ” - saadforever890
Frank (2014)
Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank. (95 mins.)
Director: Leonard Abrahamson
“ Their is no easy way to describe this film, well it can be said its a black comedy about a guy wearing a huge head who makes weird music & of course has a weird band who tags along with him. Nevertheless the film is an excellent watch! The film is engaging, funny and moving. It has some wonderful scenes that made me laugh out loud and the direction is just beautiful with some truly clever touches. Luckily they have some major talents on hand to maintain the required balance: Michael Fassbender, Domhnall Gleeson,and Maggie Gyllenhaal, who are amazing. #Respect For Fassbender in particular there needs to be a special award for succeeding to do anything while wearing that huge fake head! The sluggish pacing & the confused 2nd half does play a spoilsport. Frank as a whole doesn't quite add up to more than the sum of its parts, it is nonetheless a wonderfully quirky, often hilarious, strangely touching piece of work. Well worth seeing and supporting! ” - saadforever890
Horns (2013)
In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to find strange horns sprouting from his temples.(120 mins.)
Director: Alexandre Aja
“ This film is a very clever blend of horror, mystery and comedy without going overboard. As the movie progresses, it does take a darker tone, turning into a full blown size of craziness. Daniel Radcliff has certainly come a long way from his Harry Potter days, and he's proved himself to be a very good actor who is quite versatile. The film was very original. Possibly the only negative part of the film was the mystery plot, which ended up being quite cliche.The acting was excellent. Daniel Radcliffe has walked far away from his Harry Potter days! Juno Temple is one of the most underrated actress, she deserves better roles. The rest of the supporting cast was good as well. With Horns, director Alexandre Aja (Hills Have Eyes,Mirrors) has given us an exceptionally blended film which is original on most accounts. Definitely worth a watch! ” - saadforever890


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